Forum Discussion

Ajene's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Mar 04, 2021

Using Single Configuration File to Configure F5

I'm using the "tmsh load /sys config merge" CLI command to configure an F5 device. This command works great. However, for example, when it comes to configuring an LTM virtual server, by default, it creates a "Performance (Layer 4)" type of virtual server. I'd like for my SCF to configure a virtual server of type "Standar", however, I cannot find the property that will allow me to do this with an SCF. Is this possible? Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? I'm performing a huge migration from A10 to F5 so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • I found the answer to my question. I was missing the property "ip-protocol tcp". Once I added that, the virtual server type, was automatically set to "Standard", instead of "Performance (Layer 4)", which seems to be set by default, if nothing else is specified. I hope this helps someone in the future!

  • I found the answer to my question. I was missing the property "ip-protocol tcp". Once I added that, the virtual server type, was automatically set to "Standard", instead of "Performance (Layer 4)", which seems to be set by default, if nothing else is specified. I hope this helps someone in the future!

    • Lidev's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      please don't forget to mark your answer as "Select as Best" in order to pass your post as resolved and help other people to find it 😉