6 TopicsUsing Single Configuration File to Configure F5
I'm using the "tmsh load /sys config merge" CLI command to configure an F5 device. This command works great. However, for example, when it comes to configuring an LTM virtual server, by default, it creates a "Performance (Layer 4)" type of virtual server. I'd like for my SCF to configure a virtual server of type "Standar", however, I cannot find the property that will allow me to do this with an SCF. Is this possible? Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? I'm performing a huge migration from A10 to F5 so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.Solved590Views0likes3Commentsscript to find difference between scf file
Hi, Is there a option in f5 to trigger an alert based on scf difference . We recently had an issue with our f5 and the suggestion was to post a query with devcentral to track difference in scf file . Statement from the support team "You should be able to generate an SCF with a known good configuration and compare it with one generated whenever changes are made. If you see that changes aren't being reflected in the new SCF, that would indicate that mcpd hasn't been updated with the new configuration. This would be a sign that you should contact support:" Below is the pseudo code that f5 had suggested. Setup: Generate starting SCF Create custom SNMP trap to alert on script alert log, possibly send an email or whatever alerting function you wish to use. Script Functions: On Cron - Generate SCF Diff against starting SCF If Diff output is empty Delete the new SCF Else Use Logger to record alert log Handle the new file as desired377Views0likes1CommentUCS Platform Migration
Hi all, I'm looking for some assistance with moving the configuration from an old BIGIP to a new platform. Both boxes are running different code versions at the moment (old box is running 11.5.4, the new box is on 12.1.2), and are two different platforms. I haven't had much success with the platform-migrate option (the new BIGIP has a different hostname, and management address), and it throws up an error when loading it (and locks me out of the config utility at the same time!). I'm guessing that I can create an SCF on the old box, modify it, and load it onto the new box? However, i do have a concern that the SCF contains platform specific information and the software versions won't match. Would i need to merge the SCF from the old box, with an SCF on the new box? Any assistance would be much appreciated! Thanks.803Views0likes7CommentsCreate lab enviorment from a production SCF file (required modifications)?
I'm looking to use SCF file for production to create a lab environment. They are both VE F5. I know I would have to change Virtual servers IPs Self-IPs but how about chassis-id and base-mac? Do I need to change them or the new F5 will automatically update these values to correct one?284Views0likes1CommentPort LTM and GTM configuration from v10 to v11
Hi, we are migrating to the new F5 appliances from v10. What is the best method of porting our v10.2.4 configuration to v11.5.4? Most of of the solutions I have come across so far seem to apply to the cases when the upgrade is happening within the same appliance. Is there a native method of porting the existing configuration to v11.5 syntax? Thank you303Views0likes3CommentsError loading scf file
When loading a scf file, we get the error "Conflicting configuration. Management-ip can't be create manually while DHCP is enabled. Do 'tmsh modify sys global-settings mgmt-dhcp disabled' before manually changing the management-ip." The strange thing is that our management IP is not set to "Automatic (DHCP)." In the configuration utility, under System > Platform > Configuration > Management Port Configuration, it is set to Manual. We decided to run the command mentioned above anyway, and reload the scf, but we still run into the same error. Is there a way to by pass this error or check? Any help appreciated, thanks!476Views0likes7Comments