18475 TopicsView NAT / SNAT Sessions
Hi, I have recently enabled an SNAT in an iRule: switch -exact -- "1" [IP::addr [getfield [IP::client_addr] "%" "1"] equals] { snat automap } and I am trying to work out how many sessions are being SNAT'd as a result of this change. Issuing the commands: sho ltm nat sho ltm snat sho sys connection cs-client-addr etc are not giving me any results. I am not so much interested in the details of the sessions, just totals so I can verify that I'm not exceeding the 64k limit but obviously doing something wrong. Thanks James2.3KViews0likes6CommentsiRule - Url rewrite and header replace and pool selection not working
I have a scenario where I need to perform a header replace and url rewrite and select a pool. I have several sites that I need to select a specific pool and they all have to come through the same virtual server. When I select a pool the content returned is not complete. The web page is missing formatting and content. If I define a default pool that would be used for the specific site the content returned is complete for that site but still missing content for the other sites not using a default pool. I have tried a /32 oneconnet profile and that made no difference. Below is my irule when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { "" { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/mytestsite1" { HTTP::redirect "" } "/mytestsite1/*" {if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} { HTTP::header replace Host "" HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite1/" "/differentname1/"} [HTTP::uri]] } pool mypool1 return } "/mytestsite2" { HTTP::redirect "" } "/mytestsite2/*" { if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} { HTTP::header replace Host "" HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite2/" "/differentname2/"} [HTTP::uri]] } pool mypool2 return } "/mytestsite3" { HTTP::redirect "" } "/mytestsite3/*" { if {[HTTP::host] ne ""} { HTTP::header replace Host "" HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/mytestsite3/" "/differentname3/"} [HTTP::uri]] } pool mypool3 return } } } } }73Views0likes5CommentsLTM for load balance DNS queries with real IP addresses
Hello everyone, I’m seeking advice from experts. I’ve configured an LTM to load balance requests across multiple internal DNS servers. However, I’m facing a challenge: the DNS servers need to see the real client IP addresses in the requests, rather than the LTM’s IP. How can I achieve this? Please note that I only have an LTM license. Thank you in advance for your assistance!54Views0likes2CommentsPriority group activation on GTM.
Hello All, I need to configure active standby configuration on GTM pool level, only one VS should be UP and second should be standby if one vs is down then traffic should pass to another VS and i can see there is one option Minimum-up Members but i do not know how to use it as a priority group activation on GTM level. If any one has any article or config suggestion please share. Many thanks in advanced for your time and consideration.43Views0likes2CommentsNeed to restrict access to URLs
Hello team, I have a new that needs to be published to internet. We are planning to launch its services in phases. For 1st phase I have received set of 29 URI paths (These are wildcard URI path i.e*) that needs to be accessible from internet public IPv4 & public IPv6 IPs. Any other URI paths than these 29 paths should be redirected to when accessed from internet public IPv4 & public IPv6 IPs. Access to from internal organization private IPs should be accessible without any URI path restriction. Please inform how I can achieve above requirement using iRule or LTM policy or WAF. Thanks in advance47Views0likes2CommentsRenew BIG-IP device SSL certificate
hello Team, I am going to renew our BIG-IP device SSL certificate, but this time we have GTM so we also need to update the GTM side. This is what I am planning Renew the BIG-IP device SSL certificate via cli on config/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt Restart the httpd service I am planning to update the GTM via GUI DNS -> GSLB -> Servers -> Trusted Server certificates -> Import -> Append -> paste the new cert Restart the big3d and gtm service Question is, is this correct way? also will this also update my cert on big3d (/config/big3d/client.crt)? If not, do I need to update the cert on big3d? Thank you!75Views0likes2CommentsMonitor multiple services on one service
Hi folks, I have a server serving web/smtp services, how to monitor multiple services on f5 having one backend server ? Also, which VS should I configure, to serve both services? instead of creating 2 VS with same ip but different ports. Thanks59Views0likes8Commentsquestion about getting hsl data to be formatted properly in splunk
I posted a similar question about 2 weeks ago and I am still not able to get the data that I send to splunk to have the proper json format. Has anyone either configured their own log pool, log destination and log published or used the f5 supported iapps template f5 analytics version to send log data to splunk ? I will include my HSL::open and HSL:send commands and my log command as well as a screen print with the problem we are trying to solve. What I have been told is that the red color in splunk is the key and the light blue is the value. When I just use the log statement everything is formatted correctly in splunk. When I use the HSL::send command everything I send becomes the key and then the value is something called hostname which is not usable. I have the need to send massive amounts of data to splunk so it is prohibitive to use the log command and put all this data also on local disk. set hsl [HSL::open -proto TCP -pool analytics-iapp-hec-forwarder-tcp-log-stage0] HSL::send $hsl "<190>,hsl test,f5_irule=hsl_splunk_logging_new,client_ip=$client, client_port=$client_port, vip_ip=$vip, vip_port=$vip_local_port, snat_ip=$self_ip,snat_port=$self_ip_local_port,remote_ip=$node,remote_port=$node_server_port " log "hsltest Event=CLIENT_CLOSED protocol=tcp hsl=$hsl client_ip= $client client_port= $client_port vip_ip= $vip vip_port= $vip_local_port snat_ip= $self_ip snat_port= $self_ip_local_port remote_ip= $node remote_port= $node_server_port "![Image Text](/Portals/0/Users/210/54/185554/2018.06.11.sample.hsl.and.syslog.PNG?ver=2018-06-13-082447-437)515Views0likes7CommentsProblem with lets encrypt and redirect after update
Hi, we have updated our BigIP last week from 15.x to, since then we are not able to get certificates from lets encrypt, if there is the _sys_https_redirect iRule active on the Virtual Server. As an example, i have for the IP ( two VS with port 80 and 443, on port 80 are two iRules mapped: lets_encrypt: when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::has_responded]} {return} if { not ([HTTP::path] starts_with "/.well-known/acme-challenge/") } { return } set token [lindex [split [HTTP::path] "/"] end] set response [class match -value -- $token equals acme_responses] if { "$response" == "" } { log local0. "Responding with 404 to ACME challenge $token" HTTP::respond 404 content "Challenge-response token not found." } else { log local0. "Responding to ACME challenge $token with response $response" HTTP::respond 200 content "$response" "Content-Type" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" } } and _sys_https_redirect: # Copyright 2003-2006, 2012-2013, 2016, 2019. F5 Networks, Inc. See End User License Agreement ("EULA") # for license terms. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the EULA, # Licensee may copy and modify this software product for its internal business # purposes. Further, Licensee may upload, publish and distribute the modified # version of the software product on # when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri] } definition-signature tJY87UPbfpgQ3TPXqXhbCAgqIJhR1MvyFxXLTX/wNqmH+XV51tNkr8HWmv4PBq8hm6w7peLKj88shG+0RiX+yAMU31n6jS9vRcg0VKNPBWLTzu3Ic8abqyyY6XYgkMel+d9Sa8x+vakcuPcAZ0dnICHQiQFePjxYUD0XKwIrbGqQb8vEcU3HHbDaLoMQry4KDnV3s1crFpWXBZBo6esIdzM/s0jYncqZBNdTmIEH3ujEunmo2Jh9MBDhwfGKy1XwCfeeZvzk8b1J+HbRk7W/vbrRUewJZDt+Z13i9u/MbneAL4QXZgtjSxU2nN4GcZjWePUIm7oxc1nz9FGeNva1xg== This configuration had worked for years now, but since the update to we get a "connection reset by peer" at requests for if i remove the _sys_https_redirect iRule, it works fine. Has anyone an solution for this problem?92Views0likes5CommentsManagement IP F5 cant be accessed
Good day everyone. I want to ask so there is an f5 box from my user where when I try to access the GUI and CLI box there is a problem where sometimes the management IP can be accessed, sometimes it can't be accessed. does anyone know what's wrong? Thank You.60Views0likes4Comments