Forum Discussion

f5beginner's avatar
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Sep 04, 2019

Issue after upgrade from build 0.0.7 to build 0.0.9

Hi All,


I´m using Big IP VE on wmvare.

I have upgraded BIG IP to new version, but I have a lot of problems.


Problems are connected with linux, after upgrade doesn´t work: winscp, I cannot instal anything because yum does not work...etc, I cannot find older commands by pushing up arrow.

I guess the best thing will be to downgrade it back, but problem is, that I cannot do it because old Image is not in Available Images (It have never been there), so I cannot make install and because of it in boot location I cannot swap images.


Could someone help me with ?




  • OK. Are you using the Management IP to SCP to the device rather than a Self IP? I'm assuming that you can SSH to this IP without issue, is this correct?

    If using a Self IP - what are your Port Lockdown settings set to?

    Do you have AFM provisioned? Do you have any AFM policies blocking your access?

    What account are you using to connect? If you are not using root, can you try using this a/c

    Is the SCP daemon running? ps aux | grep scp

    Are your SCP requests actually getting to your device. Close down any SSH sessions, then from vConsole run a tcpdump and see if your connection requests are hitting your F5

    tcpdump -ni eth0 port 22

  • Hi


    If your config is already present on HD1.1 then when using Boot Locations, don't select "Install Configuration" when activating the previous volume.


    Alternatively, use the switchboot command from the cmd line to switch volumes and then reboot

  • Hi iaine, when I will not use Install configuration, will I have current configuration, or there will be default?

  • Hi


    If you don't install the config, then you will load the volume with the configuration that was on it when it was last used. So, if 1.1 was the volume that you upgraded from then you will get the config prior to your upgrade/reboot. If 1.1 is an empty volume, then you won't have any config.


    Either way, if you reboot to 1.1 then you always have the option to reboot back to 1.2 if you want to, just don't select "Install Config"

  • Hi, Thanks for answer,


    I set old configuration, but it is same, I do not have yum, winscp not working..., could someone know, what I should do to solve problem with linux and how to solve it, because it looks F5 working properly instead of copying via SCP.


    Thank you

  • Hi


    I don't believe that yum is present on an F5 tbh


    Can you sftp to your device rather than scp?

  • Hi,


    SFTP not working too. Please keep in mind this is Virtual edition, which running on Wmvare, it is not Physical Appliance.


    Thank you

  • OK. Are you using the Management IP to SCP to the device rather than a Self IP? I'm assuming that you can SSH to this IP without issue, is this correct?

    If using a Self IP - what are your Port Lockdown settings set to?

    Do you have AFM provisioned? Do you have any AFM policies blocking your access?

    What account are you using to connect? If you are not using root, can you try using this a/c

    Is the SCP daemon running? ps aux | grep scp

    Are your SCP requests actually getting to your device. Close down any SSH sessions, then from vConsole run a tcpdump and see if your connection requests are hitting your F5

    tcpdump -ni eth0 port 22

  • Hi Iaine, I found a solution, it was because of upgrade and problem was solved by changing settings on F5, by clicking to System>Users>username> There change in "Terminal Access" Advanced shell.


    Regarding yum, which I mentioned above, I was confused because I'm working with linuxes, and I guessed it was working before upgrade, but yum is not working on F5 shell, because linux version is "cropped".


    Thanks for help