Forum Discussion

aliasgar215's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 20, 2024

Switch ssl profile based on weak cipher detection via IRULE

Hi Team,

I am looking to create an IRULE to switch ssl profile, if weak cipher detected on tls1.2connection


I have created below script but it not accepting on f5 and giving error. Please help me correct below IRULE.




    set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool POOL-SPLUNK-SYSLOG]


    # List of ciphers to log

    set log_ciphers {











    # Get the negotiated cipher

    set negotiated_cipher [SSL::cipher name]


    # Apply profile based on TLSv2

    if { [string match "*TLS1.2*" $negotiated_cipher] } {

        SSL::profile weak_cipher_profile

    } else {

        SSL::profile strong_cipher_profile



    # Log details for specific ciphers

    if { [lsearch -exact $log_ciphers $negotiated_cipher] != -1 } {

        HSL::send $hsl "<190>, Cipher Matched: $negotiated_cipher, ClientIP:[IP::client_addr], F5 Vip:[IP::local_addr], Destination Port:[TCP::local_port]"



  • I get below error when i try to apply this IRULE

    command is not valid in current event context (CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE)][SSL::profile

  • you might not need irules.
    the cipher that will be used is selected by tls server and based on order f5 client side ssl profile.
    so you just need to 1 cipher list with strong ciphers for new clients and weak ciphers for old clients and properly arrange them from strongest to weakest.

    • aliasgar215's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I agree that keeping strong and weak cipher together will get us the same result. But i dont want to disturb the main SSL client profile. So i am looking for a IRULE solution, which can be removed without disturbing any main configuration.