Forum Discussion

kaoutar's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Dec 22, 2022

How to extract or upload a Data Group through CLI.

Hello All,

Could you please help me to find a way to extract or upload a Data Group through CLI, In fact i need to add 300 IP Addresses which is tough manually.

thank you

  • kaoutarYou should be able to use the following steps to work it out.

    1. In the GUI create a sample data-group with 2-3 entries.
    2. In the CLI at tmsh run "list sys file data-group <your_data_group_name>" and grab that output from the beginning of the output to the end.
    3. Next go to a text editor and paste in all your entries following the exact formatting of the sample data-group that you created.
    4. Log into the CLI and at tmsh run "load sys config from-terminal merge" and then paste in the entirety of your data-group and after the text is pasted press ctrl+d twice which will merge your data-group into the existing sample data-group.

    It is extremely important to use the exact command for "load sys config from-terminal merge" otherwise you could mess up your F5 configuration.

    5. Issue a "save sys config" to ensure that the configuration is saved.

    After these steps you should be able to go into the GUI or CLI and validate that the data-group was created properly.

  • kaoutarYou should be able to use the following steps to work it out.

    1. In the GUI create a sample data-group with 2-3 entries.
    2. In the CLI at tmsh run "list sys file data-group <your_data_group_name>" and grab that output from the beginning of the output to the end.
    3. Next go to a text editor and paste in all your entries following the exact formatting of the sample data-group that you created.
    4. Log into the CLI and at tmsh run "load sys config from-terminal merge" and then paste in the entirety of your data-group and after the text is pasted press ctrl+d twice which will merge your data-group into the existing sample data-group.

    It is extremely important to use the exact command for "load sys config from-terminal merge" otherwise you could mess up your F5 configuration.

    5. Issue a "save sys config" to ensure that the configuration is saved.

    After these steps you should be able to go into the GUI or CLI and validate that the data-group was created properly.