Forum Discussion

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Sep 13, 2024

Application drop down menus does not work behind F5 APM Portal Access


I have configured an application behind APM with portal access. When users reaching applicationon portal they can not see drop down menus on application. When I inspect network, there is no error on links. However, I have a problem on console saying "Sync load uicomponents xxxxx.xml". Do you have the same issue? How can I solve that problem?

Best Regards,

  • Hey, 

    I don't know the issue exactly but check the following: 

    - validate that the backend server works well with all functions and validate you can see the drop down list.

    - make sure that you have added all applications urls inside the portal access resource , such as: 
    try to add all needed resources "urls" inside the resource items in the portal access resource

    -Put the Portal Access ACL in the TOP of all ACLs.
    -- After creating Portal Access resource >>> Bigip APM system Create a ACL automatically , so make sure to put this ACL in the TOP of ACLs.


  • there are many probable root cause for that problem.

    use browser's developer tool to see the details related http transactions.
    i suggest you invite the app developer team to help to find the root cause of failed http transaction and to decide the proper apm config.