Forum Discussion

former_newbie's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 19, 2024

full-proxy HTTP2

we're implementing full-proxy HTTP2 on the BigIP 17.1.1 version of LTM and going thru the docs it appears implementing HTTP2 requires configuring SSL profile. 

Could someone pls point me to the full-proxy HTTP2 configuration urls or docs?


  • Please refer link here


    for the benefit of other here is a ready reference, in case in future the link content changes or link disappear:

    Configuring HTTP/2 Full-proxy Support on the BIG-IP System

    Overview: HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration

    When your application server infrastructure is composed of HTTP/2-enabled servers, you can take advantage of the HTTP/2 acceleration features that the BIG-IP system provides. Most importantly, the BIG-IP system includes full-proxy support for the HTTP/2 protocol. This means that the BIG-IP system can process HTTP/2 requests and responses on both the client and server sides of the BIG-IP system.

    The HTTP/2 full-proxy architecture provides greater network efficiency by allowing the BIG-IP system to transport multiple simultaneous, bi-directional streams of messages between the client and server. This is accomplished through the use of the BIG-IP system’s message-routing proxy, instead of the traditional connection-oriented TCP proxy.

    This figure shows an example of the Acceleration area of the New Virtual Server screen, where you configure some key settings for successful HTTP/2 full-proxy operation.



    HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration summary

    To configure HTTP/2 full-proxy support on the BIG-IP system, you can use the BIG-IP Configuration utility.

    When you create the virtual server, make sure that you select the 

    HTTP MRF Router

     option. You will also assign two existing SSL profiles to the virtual server, 





    This illustration shows the tasks required to deploy an HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration.



    Configuration constraints

    These BIG-IP features are not supported for an HTTP/2 full-proxy deployment:

    OneConnectThe session persistence types Hash and SSL.Connection mirroring in high-availability configurations.The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is not supported in HTTP/2 environment. Do not attach both HTTP/2 profile and VDI profile together in the virtual server.

    The HTTP/2 protocol is not compatible with NTLM protocols.

    Create a custom HTTP profile for HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration

    Part of configuring an HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration on the BIG-IP system is to first create a standard HTTP profile. An HTTP profile defines the way that you want the BIG-IP system to manage HTTP traffic.

    For the most expedient HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration, you can create a single HTTP profile that the BIG-IP system will apply to both client-side and server-side HTTP traffic. Alternatively, if you want the BIG-IP system to manage client-side and server-side traffic in different ways, you can create two separate HTTP profiles and configure the settings differently in each profile.

    On the Main tab, click 

    Local Traffic









    The HTTP profile list screen opens.




    The New HTTP Profile screen opens.

    Type a unique 


     for the profile.

    From the 

    Parent Profile

     list, select 



    Select the 


     check box.

    From the 

    Request Chunking




     if you always want the BIG-IP system to send a request to the server as chunked.Select 


     if you want the BIG-IP system to decide whether to send a request to the server as chunked or unchunked.

    From the 

    Response Chunking




     if you always want the BIG-IP system to send a response to the client as unchunked. Note that if the content length is undefined because an HTTP payload handler modified the content, the system closes the connection.Select 


     if you always want the BIG-IP system to send a response to the client as chunked.Select 


     if you want the BIG-IP system to decide whether to send a response to the client as chunked or unchunked.

    Modify the other settings as required for your configuration.

    If you want the BIG-IP system to manage server-side traffic differently from client-side traffic, click 


     and create another HTTP profile.




    Any custom HTTP profile that you have created now appears on the HTTP profile list screen and is ready for you to assign to a virtual server.

    Create a custom HTTP/2 profile

    Part of creating an HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration is to create an HTTP/2 profile that you can use for both client-side and server-side application traffic. When you assign the profile to a virtual server, the BIG-IP system applies the settings in the profile to the traffic.

    For the most expedient HTTP/2 full-proxy configuration, you can create a single HTTP/2 profile that the BIG-IP system will apply to both client-side and server-side HTTP/2 traffic. Alternatively, if you want the BIG-IP system to manage client-side and server-side traffic in different ways, you can create two separate HTTP/2 profiles and configure the settings differently in each profile.

    On the Main tab, click 

    Local Traffic








    Type a 


     for the profile, such as 



    For the 

    Parent Profile

     setting, retain the default value 


    , or select a different profile.

    This setting specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile that you select.

    From the 


     list, you can select 


     to view the advanced settings.

    This setting is optional, depending on the settings you want to configure.

    On the far-right side of the screen, select the 


     check box.

    In the 

    Concurrent Streams Per Connection

     field, retain or change the numeric value.

    This setting specifies how many concurrent requests are allowed to be outstanding on a single HTTP/2 connection.

    In the 

    Connection Idle Timeout

     field, retain or change the numeric value.

    This setting specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the connection is eligible for deletion.

    From the 

    Insert Header

     list, retain the default value of 


    , or select 



    This setting specifies whether the BIG-IP system should add an HTTP header to the HTTP request to show that the request was received over HTTP/2.

    In the 

    Insert Header Name

     field, retain the default value or, if the 

    Insert Header

     setting is enabled, change the header name.

    This setting specifies the name of the header that the BIG-IP system will add to the HTTP request when the 

    Insert Header

     is enabled.

    From the 

    Enforce TLS Requirements

     list, ensure that 


    . is selected.

    Enforcing TLS requirements is required for successful HTTP/2 full-proxy deployment.


    Activation Modes

     setting, retain the default value of 


     (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) or select 



    This setting specifies the condition that will cause the BIG-IP system to handle an incoming connection as an HTTP/2 connection.

    In the 

    Frame Size

     field, retain the default value of 


    , or change the value.

    This setting specifies the size, in bytes, of the data frames that HTTP/2 will produce.

    In the 

    Receive Window

     field, retain the default numeric value of 


    , or change the numeric value.

    This setting specifies, in kilobytes, the size of the receive window for HTTP/2 flow-control.

    In the 

    Write Size

     field, retain the default numeric value of 


    , or change the numeric value.

    This setting specifies the size, in bytes, of the SSL records that HTTP/2 will produce.

    In the 

    Header Table Size

     field, retain the default numeric value of 


    , or change the numeric value.

    This setting specifies the table size that the BIG-IP system will use for the compression of headers (unused).

    If you want the BIG-IP system to manage server-side traffic differently from client-side traffic, click 


     and create another HTTP/2 profile.




    Any custom HTTP/2 profile that you have created now appears on the HTTP/2 profile list screen and is ready for you to assign to a virtual server.

    Create a basic server pool to process HTTP/2 traffic

    You can create a pool of application servers enabled for processing HTTP/2 traffic. After creating the server pool, you must assign the pool to a virtual server.

    Each pool member should be an HTTP/2-capable web server.

    On the Main tab, click 

    Local Traffic



    The Pools list screen opens.




    The New Pool screen opens.

    In the 


     field, type a name for the pool.

    Names must begin with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character.The pool name is limited to 63 characters.

    Type a 


     field, type a description of the pool.

    For the 

    Health Monitors

     setting, from the 


     box, select a health monitor and move it to the 



    There are no HTTP/2-specific health monitors available on the BIG-IP system.

    In the Resources area of the screen, from the 

    Load Balancing Method

     list, retain the default, or select a load balancing method.

    From the 

    Priority Group Activation

     list, retain the default value (


    ) or select 

    Less than

     and type a numeric value.

    Using the 

    New Members

     setting, add each resource that you want to include in the pool:

    In the 

    Node Name

     field, type a name for the node portion of the pool member.

    In the 


     field, type an IP address.

    In the 

    Service Port

     field, type a port number, or select a service name from the list.

    If you enabled priority group activation, then in the 


     field, type a priority number.







    Create a virtual server to manage HTTP/2 traffic

    You must create a virtual server to listen for HTTP/2 traffic, apply profiles and policies, and send the traffic to a pool of application servers that are HTTP/2-enabled.

    Do not use the HTTP/2 protocol with NTLM protocols, as they are incompatible.

    The BIG-IP does not support Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) in HTTP/2 environment. Do not attach both HTTP/2 profile and VDI profile together in the virtual server, a virtual server configured with both HTTP/2 profile and VDI profile can result in 



    On the Main tab, click 

    Local Traffic


    Virtual Servers



    The Virtual Server List screen opens.




    The New Virtual Server screen opens.

    In the 


     field, type a unique name for the virtual server.

    For the 

    Destination Address/Mask

     setting, confirm that the 


     button is selected, and type the IP address in CIDR format.

    The supported format is address/prefix, where the prefix length is in bits. For example, an IPv4 address/prefix is


    , and an IPv6 address/prefix is 




    . When you use an IPv4 address without specifying a prefix, the BIG-IP system automatically uses a 


     prefix.The IP address you type must be available and not in the loopback network.

    In the 

    Service Port

     field, type 


     or select 


     from the list.

    From the 

    HTTP Profile (Client)

     list, select a previously-created HTTP profile.

    From the 

    HTTP Profile (Server)

     list, select 

    (Use Client Profile)


    Alternatively, if you created a separate HTTP profile for managing server-side traffic, select the profile from the list.

    For the 

    SSL Profile (Client)

     setting, from the 


     list, select 


    , and move it to the 



    This profile disables mid-stream SSL renegotiation by default. Disabling SSL renegotiation is a requirement for an HTTP/2 full-proxy deployment.

    For the 

    SSL Profile (Server)

     setting, from the 


     list, select 


    , and move the profile to the 



    This profile disables mid-stream SSL renegotiation by default. Disabling SSL renegotiation is a requirement for an HTTP/2 full-proxy deployment.

    From the 


     list, select 



    From the 

    HTTP/2 Profile (Client)

     list, select the HTTP/2 profile that you previously created.

    From the 

    HTTP/2 Profile (Server)

     list, select 

    (Use Client Profile)

    , or if you created a separate HTTP/2 profile for server-side traffic, select the profile from the list.

    For the 

    HTTP MRF Router

     setting, select the check box. For example:



    From the 

    Default Pool

     list, select a pool that is configured to serve HTTP/2 traffic.




    The HTTP/2 virtual server is now ready to listen for HTTP/2 traffic and send the traffic to the assigned server pool.

    View statistics for an HTTP/2 full-proxy deployment

    You can view statistics for either client-side or server-side HTTP/2 traffic.

    On the Main tab, click 


    Module Statistics

    Local Traffic

    From the 

    Statstics Type

     list, select 

    Virtual Servers


    By default, this displays the list of virtual servers on the BIG-IP system.

    In the Virtual Server column, click the relevant virtual server name.

    Along the top of the screen, click the 



    In the Profiles area of the screen, from the 

    Select Profile

     list, select an HTTP/2 profile.

    After you perform this task, the BIG-IP system displays statistics pertaining to the traffic associated with the HTTP/2 profile you selected.


    F5 Design Engineer

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  • Thanks for everyone's replies. So, since all major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, and so on) only support HTTP/2 over TLS, it would appear we need to use SSL profiles for both, the client side and server side connections, unless we use h2c??? 



    • zamroni777's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      you can use h2c on server side regardless of how the client is because vserver is proxy.

      however, i prefer to keep server side using simple http1.1 with oneconnect.
      simultaneous requests of http2 or http3 is heavier to be handled in webserver than 1 by 1 of http1.1,
      also no need to use f5 mrf profile.

      on client side, use newer reliable udp based http3 instead of http2.
      it will reduce load in client and network due to udp based.