Forum Discussion

alej_sald's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 07, 2020

Virtual Server requirements for ISO 8583 traffic

We are configuring a virtual server to handle ISO 8583 traffic and send it to a pool member (no load balancing, just one server) but we are seeing TCP RST being sent from the F5 SelfIP (which is also the Virtual Server IP address) to the destination Pool member/Port configured and connections are unsuccesful.


I read some articles requiring special config when you need to load balance based on messages (MRF) but we are not load balancing at this time, we are just trying to establish a connection between client and server through the F5 (client to server directly works fine)


Is there any special config/profile that needs to be configured to establish connections with no load balancing?



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