May 26, 2017Nimbostratus
Verify if NTLM Profile exists - Python F5-SDK
I'm trying to create ntlm profiles with Python, before creating the profile I want to verify if it already exists. I am able to accomplish this with the http profile but for some reason I'm not able with the ntlm profile
Here's the sample http script
from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
bigip = ManagementRoot('ipaddress', 'user', 'password')
pfhttp =
if pfhttp.http.exists(name='myhttpprofile', partition='mypartition'):
pfhttp.http.create(name='myhttpprofile', partition='mypartition'):
Here's the sample ntlm script
from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
bigip = ManagementRoot('ipaddress', 'user', 'password')
pfntlm =
if pfntlm.ntlm.exists(name='myntlmprofile', partition='mypartition'):
pfntlm.ntlm.create(name='myntlmprofile', partition='mypartition'):
The script throws a 409 error - The object already exists on the BIG-IP, the if statement returns a Boolean value of False even though the object exists.
The requested Config Instance ( /mypartition/myntlmprofile profile_ntlm) already exists in partition
If I try to load the ntlm profile
pfntlm.ntlm.load(name='myntlmprofile', partition='mypartition')
I get a 404 error
'{"code":404,"message":"Error in ntlm: \\"/mypartition/myntlmprofile\\" not found.\\n01020036:3: The requested
Config Instance ( /mypartition/myntlmprofile profile_ntlm) was not found.","errorStack":[],"apiError":3}'
Also note If I try the same code with the default ntlm profile in the Common partition the script works as expected
if pfntlm.ntlm.exists(name='ntlm', partition='Common'):
print('The ntlm profile already exist')