Thank you for getting back.
I probably should have elaborated a little bit more on my scenario
I have my own python wrapper for the BIGIP API ( not using the SDK ), assuming that there is a platform that I can API to generate certificates and keys ( not F5 ), now in my program I have the actual cert and key text in memory and I don't want to write them on disc and then upload them.
given the two API endpoints you mentioned
what would the API call look like, there are a few keys that should be sent in the POST body here APIRef_tm_sys_file_ssl-key ( but I can't figure out thow to just send the cert and key text, without refering to a file on disc
hypothetical call using /mgmt/tm/sys/file/ssl-key and using a partition that is not Common
POST request with JSON body as following
"name": "mykey.key",
"tmPartition": "Partition1",
"whatkey?": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA6E4h6p1AaatxTQ0BZqEu987eMMz+embO+VBtrlnVddsdXdc-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
after making that hypothetical call, the key should now be recognized on the F5 as mykey.key and I can reference it in the AS3 as you mentioned earlier.
I hope that cleared the scenario.
note: if there's a postman request example for the above scenario that would be great