Use Kubernetes Cert-Manager to Maintain Let's Encrypt Certificates

Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’.

Short Description

Uses cert-manager in Kubernetes to maintain Let's Encrypt signed management certificates on F5 devices.

Problem solved by this Code Snippet

Look at the sentence above. There is a plan to traffic management certificates in the future but do not hold your breath. 🙂 I do gladly accept PRs though!

How to use this Code Snippet

Check out this page:

Code Snippet Meta Information

  1. Version: 0.1
  2. Coding Language: Python

Full Code Snippet

Updated Sep 20, 2022
Version 2.0
  • Patrik - Can I change the title of your CodeShare to improve discoverability?
    Use Kubernetes Cert-Manager to Maintain Let's Encrypt Certificates

  • done - and it turns out if you ever have another stroke 🤣 you can make the change yourself (I wasn't clear if that was possible) but it is. #TodayILearned.

  • of course! my efforts pale in comparison to the help you've provided with this post alone.
    Anytime - you know where I live (at least digitally).

  • v0.0.2

    Been running this for a few months now and it works great so far.

    Updated the base image because of vulneratiblities and tested the container. All good.

    Kind regards,

  • I know this is a bit old now so I just wanted to say that I'm still running this at home, and it still works great. 1.5 years later I'm still surprised to see a valid certificate on my F5s when I log in.