Forum Discussion

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Which processes exactly? And what values are you seeing?




  • if u navigate to Statistics , you will find the memory and cpu utilization it will shows it to you as : TMM : ..... other: .....


    the other value is always high , and always its 90%


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    You'll have to help me out a bit here. Telepathy isn't one of my strong points...


    BigIP version


    BigIP platform


    Memory/CPU config


    What modules you have provisioned.


    And exactly which statistic page you're looking at... Output from tmstat and 'ps -elf' could be helpful too...




  • BigIP version 11.4 BigIP platform viprion 2400 with one 2100 blade Memory/CPU config


    What modules you have provisioned (ASM and LTM AVR)


  • The memory utilization of vCMP hosts at 90 percent and above are expected because vCMP hosts allocate all their CPU cores to their vCMP guests. This design reflects the vCMP hosts as being fully utilized.