Forum Discussion

Luc_Grisez's avatar
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Oct 12, 2015

Status Virtual Server when no default pool and policies



We have virtual servers with no default pool assigned. We do forwarding via policies forward select virtual-server or forward select pool based on the http-host. We don’t do pool assignments in the irules.


I saw in sol6514 that the irule is used to show the status of the virtual server. Not for policies ? In my case the status of the virtual server is blue: Unknown (Enabled). I would like to have it green: Available (Enabled).


  • The best way to get the VIP status to turn green is to apply a pool to it, with a monitor applied to the pool. Your iRule logic will still control pool selection, but status of the VIP will be controlled by the assigned pool.


  • Hello,

    I have the same problem. I am using a Default Virtual Serveur: type=Forwarding (IP) In this type of virtual server, there is no pool configuration, only irule that I use for persistence. I have some raison to choose this type.

    In my case, pool is configured as resource in network route.

    So how can I get the VIP status to turn green ?At this time, Status is blue with this message:

    "The children pool member(s) either don't have service checking enable, or service check results are not available yet."

    How can I turn the status in green in this configuration ?

    Thanks by advance for your help.



  • Hello,

    I have the same problem. I am using a Default Virtual Serveur: type=Forwarding (IP) In this type of virtual server, there is no pool configuration, only irule that I use for persistence. I have some raison to choose this type.

    In my case, pool is configured as resource in network route.

    So how can I get the VIP status to turn green ?At this time, Status is blue with this message:

    "The children pool member(s) either don't have service checking enable, or service check results are not available yet."

    How can I turn the status in green in this configuration ?

    Thanks by advance for your help.



  • Hi Eric,


    its not possible to mark a "Forwarding (IP)" virtual server as online/green.


    Cheers, Kai


  • Hi Kai, Thanks for your reply. This is what seems to me indeed. I leave this topic open this week to see if anyone was able to do that. Then I will close it after. Thanks. Eric


  • Hi Kai, Thanks for your reply. This is what seems to me indeed. I leave this topic open this week to see if anyone was able to do that. Then I will close it after. Thanks. Eric


  • Hello,


    I solved it as follows:


    Create pool with 2 members that are the 2 F5 admin IP's port 80 of the cluster. I assigned to the Virtual Server this pool. The virutal server is now always active - GREEN.


  • Hi Eric,

    I gave it a second try to find a non-intrusive way to attach a health-monitored def_gw_pool to a "Forwarding (IP)" virtual server. It seems I've found one...

    when LB_FAILED {
        if 0 { pool YOUR_GW_POOL } 

    The LB_FAILED event should't trigger at all (no performance impact). And if the event was somehow getting triggered, then it performs "nothing" (no risk).

    In the end it will just turn your LED to green/red depending on the availability of the given pool.

    Personal Note: Never say never nor impossible... 😉

    Cheers, Kai