Forum Discussion

João_Rodrigues's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2015

One Virtual Server, multiple ports and multiple Pools



We need to implement a setup with a group of servers which can have multiple services. Not all services up at the same time in all the servers. They are brought up when needed. We can have 3 services available in a smaller group of servers and another 3 in other group of server. The thing is that we can have 1 server with the 6 services up or we can add or remove some services from the servers at any time.


The simple solution is to create 1 virtual server and 1 pool for each service. The draw back is that we have to replicate the configuration for any service/port that we need to enable.


I was wondering if there is any way to configure some kind of "dynamic pools" where all ports will be part of the pools but the traffic will only be forward to that server if the service/port is available at that moment. We could create only one VS with All ports and configure this pool in the VS.


Probably it can be done with some scripting. Had anyone tryed to configure something like this?






  • You can achieve that by adding all server+port combinations to single pool and set a proper health monitor to it. The monitor will automatically disable/enable those pool members that stop/start to respond to specific service/port. Another approach is to create multiple pools (each for different set of ports) and put an irule to a VS, that will direct the traffic to respective pool based on the destination VIP/VS port.