There is no in-built functionality to send SNI value in serverside TLS connection as mentioned in
But you can try with below iRule to replace HOST header and SNI value on the serverside connection. Please let us know how the testing goes.
# Replace the host header value with
HTTP::header replace Host ""
set sni_value ""
# SNI extension record as defined in RFC 3546/3.1
# - TLS Extension Type = int16( 0 = SNI )
# - TLS Extension Length = int16( $sni_length + 5 byte )
# - SNI Record Length = int16( $sni_length + 3 byte)
# - SNI Record Type = int8( 0 = HOST )
# - SNI Record Value Length = int16( $sni_length )
# - SNI Record Value = str( $sni_value )
# Calculate the length of the SNI value, Compute the SNI Record / TLS extension fields
# and add the result to the SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO
SSL::extensions insert [binary format SSScSa* 0 [expr { [set sni_length [string length $sni_value]] + 5 }] [expr { $sni_length + 3 }] 0 $sni_length $sni_value]