Modifying multiple entries in a datagroup via api?
We have a datagroup with entries like this: := virtual /Common/www.domain1.com_vs_443 := virtual /Common/www.domain2.com_vs_443 := virtual /Common/www.domain3.com_vs_443
And so forth. This datagroup gets used by an iRule for re-routing traffic based on SNI.
I need to be able to make an HTTP call to the F5 to remap these to put up a mainteance page. So in other words I want to modify the above to: := virtual /Common/maintenance.domain1.com_vs_443 := virtual /Common/maintenance.domain2.com_vs_443 := virtual /Common/maintenance.domain3.com_vs_443
I figured out that I can make a curl request as such to delete entries from the datagroup:
curl -ku "admin:superS3cret" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"dummy" }' https://lb1.internal.local/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/dummy?,, |jq .
And via this article I was able to determine we could add a key using this:
curl -ku "admin:superS3cret" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"dummy" }' 'https://lb1.internal.local/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/dummy?' |jq .
However then I have to have one HTTP Request per domain. If I need to repoint 20 sites for example I have to make 20 different requests instead of one request with all domains.
Is there a way to add multiple records at once? I tried something like this:
curl -ku "admin:superS3cret" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"dummy" }' 'https://lb1.internal.local/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/dummy?' |jq .
Here's the URL HTML decoded (so its easier to read):
https://lb1.internal.local/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/dummy?options=records add { { data "virtual /Common/maintenance.domain1.com_vs_443" } { data "virtual /Common/maintenance.domain1.com_vs_443" } { data "virtual /Common/maintenance.domain2.com_vs_443" } { data "virtual /Common/maintenance.domain3.com_vs_443" } { data "virtual /Common/maintenance.domain4.com_vs_443" }}
However I get this error:
"code": 400,
"message": "one or more properties must be specified",
"errorStack": [],
"apiError": 26214401
I haven't been able to figure out if adding multiple records isn't supported or if I have the syntax wrong and frankly the documentation here: and here: isn't super clear.
Frankly the fact that patch doesn't just modify entries sent seems like a bug to me and using ?options record add seems like a hack.
Alternatively is there some way to run a modify instead of running delete and then add? That would be even more efficient (less HTTP calls) and less opportunity for a call to fail.
I know I can just get all records, modify them and then post all records back. The trouble with that approach is that then I'm touching records I really don't want to touch and having to do some sort of regex replace. This seems like it could have the potential to accidentally modify records I don't want to modify if my regex isn't very explicit. I would prefer a more targeted approach which only modifies the records that need modifying and that touches nothing else.
Hi Brad_Baker
You can additionally edit the content for a specific register
curl -ku "admin:Logi-123" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"test_domain" }' https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/test_domain?options=records%20modify%20%7B%20key3%20%7B%20data%20ke3new%20%7D%20%7D|jq .
as tmos you can use all of this option to interact with the data-groups
add delete modify none replace-all-with
to avoid mistakes use a tool to encode and decode the URL.