iRule to modify a content-security-policy header
Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’.
Short Description
This short iRule snippet can change specific directives in a content-security-policy header.
The script is only roughly tested, but maybe we can improve it together.
Full Code Snippet
when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE priority 800 {
# init
set csp_fields ""
set csp(directives) ""
set csp(values) ""
# configure
lappend csp(directives) "frame-ancestors"
lappend csp(values) "*"
# iterate through directives from backend
set org_csp_fields [split [HTTP::header Content-Security-Policy] ";"]
foreach field $org_csp_fields {
set directive [getfield [string trim $field] " " 1]
set idx [lsearch -exact $csp(directives) $directive]
if { $idx > -1 } {
# append enforced value
lappend csp_fields "$directive [lindex $csp(values) $idx]"
else {
# append original value
lappend csp_fields $field
# add missing directives
set i 0
foreach field $csp(directives) {
set idx [lsearch -glob $csp_fields "${field}*"]
if { $idx == -1 } {
# missing, add it
lappend csp_fields "${field} [lindex $csp(values) $i]"
incr i
# replace the header
HTTP::header remove Content-Security-Policy
HTTP::header insert Content-Security-Policy [join $csp_fields "; "]
Updated Jan 23, 2023
Version 2.0Juergen_Mang
Joined July 03, 2020
- svs
Hi Juergen,
thanks for sharing this iRule. Saved a lot of time and probably the day of my customer. 😉
The only improvement could be to use HTTP::header replace, instead of HTTP::header remove and HTTP::header insert, because replace combines the power of remove and insert. 😊
Hope to see you soon.
Best regards,
Sven Hi Sven,
remove and insert is the better approach, because replace replaces only the first occurence of the header, if there are multiple ones.