Forum Discussion

Vlad_Darevskiy_'s avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Apr 08, 2016

LineRate 2.6.1 License activation fails

Hi,I am in the process of licensing the LineRate v2.6.1 and having some issues.


My installation is VMWare based. it has 3 network cards as required. the network is configured and I can ping


with following results:


*UNLICENSED:LROS bash "ping" PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=235 time=114.681 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=235 time=121.781 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=235 time=120.207 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 114.681/118.890/121.781/3.045 ms


I run:


configure licensing regkey phone-home userid "" secret "" activation auto


Then I run: bash "sudo tail /var/log/controller.messages"


It results in the following output:


Apr 8 10:48:50 LROS LROS: Licensing: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:48:50 LROS LROS: Licensing: upload of empty bundle failed with status -1: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:48:50 LROS LROS: WARN: Unable to login with configured user: , trying fallback user. Apr 8 10:48:53 LROS LROS: Licensing: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:48:53 LROS LROS: Licensing: upload of empty bundle failed with status -1: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:48:53 LROS LROS: Activating license: Failed to upload bundle. Apr 8 10:48:53 LROS LROS: INFO: base license is now inactive Apr 8 10:49:18 LROS LROS: INFO: base license is now inactive Apr 8 10:49:18 LROS LROS: License is expired. Apr 8 10:49:18 LROS LROS: INFO: base license is now inactive Apr 8 10:50:40 LROS LROS: Licensing: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:50:40 LROS LROS: Licensing: upload of empty bundle failed with status -1: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) name lookup timed out Apr 8 10:50:40 LROS LROS: WARN: Unable to login with configured user: , trying fallback user.


When I run: show licensing brief


I get the following:


WARNING: No licenses are active. Use 'show licensing detailed' for information on specific licenses. RegKey:


Feature Status Expiration HTTP Req/min Limit TCP Conn/min Limit Mbps Limit Burst Duration (min) Process Limit Phone Home Product Mode

base inactive No bundle uploaded. 180 120 5 1 1 on Precision Load Balancer


INFO: Automatic license renewal enabled.


Running command: show licensing detailed


Renders this:


base: State: License is expired. Bundle upload has not occurred. Status: inactive Inactive reason: License is expired. Bundle upload has not occurred. Expiration: No bundle uploaded. Username: n/a Version: 5b UUID: 42131404-E483-B76E-A08B-918EC0407D70 HTTP Requests Per Min: 180 TCP Connections Per Min: 120 Mb Per Sec: 5 Burst Duration (min): 1 Processes: 1 Phone Home: on Product Mode: Precision Load Balancer


Am I missing something? Please advaise


  • Running the following fixed my issue:




    ip dns




    I basically pointed to a different public DNS server as for some reason those from google did not work.




  • Running the following fixed my issue:




    ip dns




    I basically pointed to a different public DNS server as for some reason those from google did not work.




  • The results from show running config were posted last Friday:


    ip dns name-server admin-status online !


    phone-home userid "MyUserName" secret encrypted "MyEncryptedPassword" !


    licensing regkey MY-REG-KEY activation auto feature base


  • Andrew_Ragone_2's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Vlad, it looks like there is a name server misconfigured (or not configured at all). This is critical for the bundle upload to happen, and it not per the "Bundle upload has not occurred." message. In configure mode, ensure you have a DNS server configured. An example of how to do this with Google's Public DNS servers is below:

    ip dns
        admin-status online

    Try that and let us know how it goes. Also, please ensure you are setting your F5 account's user-id and password for the

    configure licensing regkey phone-home userid "" secret "" activation auto
    command. I see that you redacted this with in other parts of your post, but want to ensure you are doing this for phone-home configuration as well.


    • Andrew_Ragone_2's avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      Hi Vlad, glad to hear getting to your corporate DNS servers has helped you make some progress. Let's continue troubleshooting to determine what might be preventing the bundle from uploading. Check if DNS resolution for works; in the LROS shell run command: ... bash "nslookup" ... This should resolve to "" and prove whether the corporate DNS server is able to resolve all hosts needed to get the phone-home bundle upload working. If this fails, you will need to contact the owner of the DNS server to see if certain domains are restricted. Check if your LineRate instance can reach the phone home servers; in the LROS shell run command ... bash "ping" ... This should produce successful pings. If this does not work, there is something in the network path blocking communication to the If this fails, you will need to determine what might be blocking this traffic (eg. a firewall). If all of these steps are successful, you can alternatively try restarting the LineRate instance after saving changes in the LROS shell with the "write" command. Take a look at the "show phone-home" output and/or "sudo tail -f /var/log/controller.messages" to look for new error messages.
    • Vlad_Darevskiy_'s avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
      Looking Further into this: Changed the dns to my corporate DNS server IP and show phone-home is now displaying "Status: OK" However the controller.messages log is showing that Apr 11 07:44:52 LROS LROS: Licensing: upload of empty bundle failed with status -1: Login failed with exit code: 6, output: curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '' Apr 11 07:44:52 LROS LROS: Activating license: Failed to upload bundle.
    • Vlad_Darevskiy_'s avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
      So it shows that the name lookup times out.... UNLICENSED:LROS show phone-home Phone Home Status Status: Error : curl: (6) name lookup timed out Error Timestamp: 04/09/2016 20:32:25 Next Upload Time: 04/09/2016 20:37:25 Phone Home Configuration F5 Login URL: F5 Upload URL: F5 Qkview URL: Last Upload Time: n/a F5 User Name: MyUserId F5 Password: wHgII8CLFsSh6gzqsiWpqA==