Forum Discussion

Valentine_96813's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2011

Filter Source IP

Had a request come across my desk from a user that I had never tried before and was wondering if someone might have done this.



What is requested is to have a live pool running as intended but have a rule in place that will filter a single or group of IPs and redirect them to a single backend server so that we can capture their session for various reasons.



Thoughts? I do this very thing filtering uris and such but never tried a source IP.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Valentine,

    Sure you can do this. For a single IP or network range, you could use the IP::addr command to check the client IP. For multiple comparisons, you can use a datagroup and the class match command (v10+) or the matchclass command (v9).

    Here's an example for v10+:

     Datagroup containing the hosts/networks you want to pin to a pool member
    class ip_subnets_class {

    And the iRule which selects a specific pool member based on the client being in the datagroup:

        Check if the client IP is in the ip_subnets_class
       if {[class match [IP::client_addr] equals ip_subnets_class]}{
           Select a specific pool member from the VS default pool for members of the datagroup 
          pool [LB::server pool] member 80
       } else {
           Select the VS default pool
          pool [LB::server pool] 

  • In this scenario it appears that if the client IP is a match then traffic is directed to a specific pool member...



    Is there a way to direct that traffic to a separate pool as opposed to just a member of the default pool??



    Basically, I want all clients within a specific data group to be directed to a separate pool altogether...
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Todd,


        Check if the client IP is in the ip_subnets_class
       if {[class match [IP::client_addr] equals ip_subnets_class]}{
           Select a specific pool member from the VS default pool for members of the datagroup 
          pool other_pool
       } else {
           Select the VS default pool
          pool [LB::server pool] 

    If you want to assign a pool per IP subnet, you could add the pool name as a value for each key in the data group and use:

    Look up the client IP in the ip_subnets_class data group and save the key's value to $pool_name

    if {[set pool_name [class match -value [IP::client_addr] equals ip_subnets_class]] ne ""}{

    pool $pool_name

