Forum Discussion

BK1's avatar
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Dec 15, 2020

F5 not sending logs to syslog

All of sudden F5 stopped sending logs to syslog servers. Syslogs servers are reachable from F5 but all of sudden logs not reaching syslog. There was no change done w.r.t. to syslog. Last weekend, we had upgraded our F5 to 14.1.2.x, post that we are seeing issues. Is there any bug with the 14.1.2.x.

Any input will be great help for us.

  • Can you run the below 1st, see if there's any service running.

    netstat -antp  | grep syslog

    If yes, have it captured in a file, then try restarting the syslog daemon,

    bigstart restart syslog-ng

    Again run the netstat to see if its showing anything. I suspect, after your reboot, either your syslog daemon may not have started or might taken a different route.

  • Can you run the below 1st, see if there's any service running.

    netstat -antp  | grep syslog

    If yes, have it captured in a file, then try restarting the syslog daemon,

    bigstart restart syslog-ng

    Again run the netstat to see if its showing anything. I suspect, after your reboot, either your syslog daemon may not have started or might taken a different route.

  • In addition to inputs given by  , can you please check logs under /var/log/messages files and see if there are any connection broken logs. If there are connection broken logs, then as per suggested by  , you can check syslog daemon status and try by restarting it.

  • Thank you Jaikumar & Mayur for your inputs. It helps me to troubleshoot it. The syslog daemon is running. I checked logs under message file and I am seeing lots of broken connection logs for syslog. Just now, I restarted syslog daemon but still logs are not visible at syslog end. I will wait for some time and update here.

  • After daemon restart, I can see logs on syslog server now. Also I was able to see connection established with syslog server under /var/log/messages file. Both inputs will be helpful for me in future. Thank you​