Forum Discussion

Jaques_239956's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jun 02, 2016

Disk space full

Good day,


I was wondering if anyone can help answer the following:


Lets say I have a BIG-IP device, just for the fun of it I have 8 volumes created and only one is active. When I try to add new downloaded software version I get a error disk full message.


Which option is best:


  1. Delete the volumes
  2. Delete the old software

I had a look around and found a article from F5 on the internet that said it is best to remove the volume. I can see that that will work but what if there are some configurations on the volumes that you are using for testing. Let's say we forgot that there are some configurations of importance on those volumes)


Should it not then be best that the older software is removed first?




  • I would agree as well- to better manage your disk space, you should remove the old software ova files.


  • I would agree as well- to better manage your disk space, you should remove the old software ova files.


    • Jaques_239956's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
      Thanks for your input, much appreciated. Anyone else have something to add?
    • Jaques_239956's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks for your input, however we seem to be moving a bit away from the actual question. Which should be removed first as best practice the volume or the software? Lets forget about archives etc


  • Hi,


    In general,


    I do both, I start deleting old software images and hotfix, I delete dump, qkviews and other user generated files. Old core dump may also be removed


    Then, you sometimes need to remove an old volume to reinstall a new version. This is typically the case for vcmp guest because they have very limited disk space.


    Most of the time, I keep only max 3 volumes.


    Sometimes, you may also need to reset the avr stats db (System >> Disk)


    • Rasool1224's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



      Even I do the same, but now we would like to delete the volume 1 and re create it again, so could you please give me the commands to apply,


      thank you


  • Hi,


    In general,


    I do both, I start deleting old software images and hotfix, I delete dump, qkviews and other user generated files. Old core dump may also be removed


    Then, you sometimes need to remove an old volume to reinstall a new version. This is typically the case for vcmp guest because they have very limited disk space.


    Most of the time, I keep only max 3 volumes.


    Sometimes, you may also need to reset the avr stats db (System >> Disk)


    • Rasool1224's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



      Even I do the same, but now we would like to delete the volume 1 and re create it again, so could you please give me the commands to apply,


      thank you