Forum Discussion

mnovajov_279484's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2017

Connection refused in browser to virtual server

I have a lab setup at home and I'm able to ping the virtual address from my workstation but I get connection refused in all browsers. I can hit the reals directly in the browser but only the vip won't work. All monitors for the VS/Pool/Nodes are green. All devices are on the same subnet, I'm running a seperate partition with the VS/Pool/Nodes/SelfIP/Route Domain.Thoughts?


I tried putting more details but devcentral flagged it as spam (wth).


2 Replies

  • Try copy/pasting the configuration as "Comments on this Question".

    For troubleshooting, use CURL (Example:

    curl -IL
    ) to the specific domain, assuming HTTP traffic and check the response. It will help to isolate the issue to either the F5 or the servers.

  • Dear,


    If the client and server(Pool Member) are from same subnet, there will be asymmetric routing. Try enabling SNAT Automap in VS if they are from the same subnet.




    Mohammed Shiraz