Forum Discussion

Chris_Miller's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 24, 2010

Why do we need to use [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]]?

Why can't we simply compare [IP::client_addr] on its own? I'm a bit confused as to why IP::addr has to be used...the thread below is what peaked my curiosity:

6 Replies

  • [IP::addr] - Performs comparison of IP address/subnet/supernet to IP address/subnet/supernet.

    In the example they are asking if incoming Client IP Address is contained within any of the listed subnets, then send that traffic to a specific pool, not the one tied to the Virtual Server:

    [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]]/24 equals][

    The Wiki Entry has some good examples:
  • I was looking for a post from unRuleY which had more detail, but couldn't find it. I believe IP::addr does a more efficient byte comparison than you could do with a string comparison. And as Michael points out, IP::addr allows you to do CIDR comparisons that you couldn't easily do with string operations.



  • Posted By hoolio on 06/24/2010 11:18 AM


    I was looking for a post from unRuleY which had more detail, but couldn't find it. I believe IP::addr does a more efficient byte comparison than you could do with a string comparison. And as Michael points out, IP::addr allows you to do CIDR comparisons that you couldn't easily do with string operations.






    Most of my comparisons are comparing client_addr or server_addr to address-type datagroups which contain both networks and there any benefit to using [IP::addr[IP::server_addr]] or should I just save myself the characters?
  • I expect [IP::addr $ip] would return 1 if $ip was an IP address and a runtime error if it's not. So I don't see any reason to use that. Running a class command (class, matchclass, etc) with an IP address/network against an address type datagroup should use a byte comparison and be more efficient than a string comparison.



  • Just an FYI, most efficient format for comparison is



    [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]
  • Hey Jason,



    Thanks again for all of your testing and the article for this!


