Forum Discussion

Michaelyang's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Nov 30, 2022

When sync status change show in log

Hello, Is it possible for F5 to show up "sync status change"in the log when the sync status changes? I tried to change the sync status and found that the information is not shown in the log. Any h...
  • Kai_Wilke's avatar
    Nov 30, 2022

    Hi Michael,

    I'm uncertain if a more agressive MCPD log level may include some log messages for sync-status-changes? You may give it a try...

    If everything fails you could simply produce your own log lines as needed via custom iCall scripts. The quickly coded iCall script executes every 120 seconds a "tmsh show cm sync-status" and then checks if the resulting text output contains the string "Color green",  if the string is not present, it will simply create a log entry for you...


    sys icall handler periodic check_config_sync {
        interval 120
        script check_config_sync
    sys icall script check_config_sync {
       app-service none
       definition {
    		tmsh::log_dest file
    		tmsh::log_level debug
    		if { [tmsh::show /cm sync-status] contains "Color    green" } then {
    			# Everything is fine... 	
    		} else {
    			tmsh::log debug "Check Config Sync: [info hostname] displays a non-green sync-state."
       description none
       events none


    Cheers, Kai