Pool Member Status HTML5 Page
Problem this snippet solves:
This allows a publicly accessible status page of Pools and Pool Members. No cron job is needed.
How to install:
- If you only have one pool, you will probably have to comment out the "errmsg" HTML response code. For some reason one pool in the Data Group List kicks out an error. "Errmsg" is on lines 60 and 121.
Edits to the code:
- Line 3 - Modify to your IP scheme to lock down access, or allow all
- Line 8 - Document title information (shows in browser tab)
- Line 10 - Author information
- Line 11 - Auto refresh interval (update line 30 if you change this)
- Line 34 - Page title information
- Lines 44-45 - Links to other locations if you have devices in different locations/groups
- Line 122 - Comment out with a "#" if you don't wish to log each time someone connects or the page refreshes
*HTML source and inspiration taken from user The Bhattman and the code is revamped: https://devcentral.f5.com/codeshare/pool-member-status-page-on-a-virtual-server-v10
How to use this snippet:
Code :
if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/status" } {
set response "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
append response "<html lang=\"en\">\r\n"
append response "<head>\r\n"
append response "<title>F5 LTM Server Pool Status</title>\r\n"
append response "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/>\r\n"
append response "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Troy Luschen 16Mar2017\"/>\r\n"
append response "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"30\"/>\r\n"
append response "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"/>\r\n"
# ------ Style Section ------
append response "<style>\r\n"
append response "h1 {font-weight:normal;text-transform:uppercase;color:#000000;background-color:#D9D7DE;border: 5px groove #699635;font-size:100%;text-align:center;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;line-height:3;margin:0px;padding:5px;min-width:675px;width:50%;}\r\n"
append response "h2 {font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;color:#000000;letter-spacing:0pt;word-spacing:1pt;border: 0px;font-size:80%;text-align:center;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;line-height:1;margin:0px;padding:0px;min-width:675px;width:50%;}\r\n"
append response "h4 {font-weight:bold;color:#000000;letter-spacing:0pt;word-spacing:1pt;border: 0px;font-size:90%;text-align:left;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;line-height:1;margin:0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
append response "div.layout1 {width:50%;padding:5px;min-width:675px;}\r\n"
append response "div.layout2 {width:50%;padding:7px;min-width:675px;font-size:90%;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;}\r\n"
append response "p {font-weight:normal;color:#000000;border:0px;font-size:90%;text-align:left;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;}\r\n"
append response "p.time {font-weight:normal;color:#000000;letter-spacing:1pt;word-spacing:1pt;font-size:80%;text-align:left;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:1;margin:0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
append response "p.time2 {font-weight:normal;color:#000000;letter-spacing:1pt;word-spacing:1pt;font-size:70%;text-align:left;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:1;margin:0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
append response "li {font-weight:normal;color:#000000;border:0px;font-size:90%;text-align:left;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;line-height:1;margin:0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
append response "#pool_status th {font-weight:bold;padding-top:12px;padding-bottom:12px;text-align:left;background-color:#85c1e9;color:#434474;}\r\n"
append response "#pool_status tr table tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#ddd;}\r\n"
append response "#pool_status tr table tr:hover {font-weight:bold;font-size:110%;font-variant:small-caps;background-color:#B7950B;}\r\n"
append response "</style>\r\n"
# ------ End Style Section ------
append response "</head>\r\n"
append response "<body>\r\n"
append response "<p class=\"time\">Status Check Time: [clock format [clock seconds]]</p>\r\n"
append response "<p class=\"time2\">Auto Refreshes Every 30 Seconds</p>\r\n"
append response "<br>\r\n"
append response "<h1>F5 LTM Server Pool Status</h1>\r\n"
append response "<h2>Status of Virtual Servers and their Pool Members</h2>\r\n"
append response "<br>\r\n"
# Table containing "F5 Locations" and "Critical" sections.
append response "<div class=\"layout1\">\r\n"
append response "<table style=\"width:100%;font-family:lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif;\">\r\n"
append response " <tr>\r\n"
append response " <td style=\"width:50%;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;\">\r\n"
append response " <h4>F5 Locations</h4>\r\n"
append response " <ul>\r\n"
append response " <li><a href=\"https://<;IP>/status\">LTM Pool Status at Location 1</a></li>\r\n"
append response " <li><a href=\"https://<;IP>/status\">LTM Pool Status at Location 2</a></li>\r\n"
append response " </ul>\r\n"
append response " </td>\r\n"
append response " <td style=\"width:50%;border-style:dashed;border-width:3px;padding:5px;font-size:90%;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;\">\r\n"
append response " <h4 style=\"font-size:100%;font-weight:bold;color:#FF0000;padding-bottom:10px;\">Critical - No Available Pool Members</h4>\r\n"
foreach { selectedpool } [class get BIG-IP_Pool_Member_Status] {
set thispool [getfield $selectedpool " " 1]
if { [catch {
if { [active_members $thispool] < 1 } {
# Pool Status for pools with no active members
append response " <div style=\"line-height:125%;\">$thispool</div>\r\n"
} else {
# Skip
} errmsg ] } {
append response " <div style=\"line-height:125%;\">$thispool <span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#FF0000\">ERROR: Invalid pool name</span></div>\r\n"
append response " </td>\r\n"
append response " </tr>\r\n"
append response "</table>\r\n"
append response "</div>\r\n"
# End Table containing "F5 Locations" and "Critical" sections.
# Tables containing Pools with at least one available pool member.
foreach { selectedpool } [class get BIG-IP_Pool_Member_Status] {
set thispool [getfield $selectedpool " " 1]
if { [catch {
if { [active_members $thispool] < 1 } {
# Pool Status for pools with no active members
# Skip. This is implemented above in the first table.
} else {
# Pool Status
append response "<div class=\"layout2\">\r\n"
append response "<table style=\"width:100%;\" id=\"pool_status\">\r\n"
append response " <tr>\r\n"
append response " <th colspan=\"2\">$thispool</th>\r\n"
append response " </tr>\r\n"
append response " <tr>\r\n"
append response " <td style=\"width:50%;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;\">\r\n"
append response " <h4>Pool Member Status</h4>\r\n"
# Pool Member Status Section
append response " <table>\r\n"
foreach { pmem } [members -list $thispool] {
append response " <tr>\r\n"
append response " <td style=\"font-size:90%;\">\r\n"
append response " [join $pmem ":"] is "
set nodestatus "[LB::status pool $thispool member [getfield $pmem " " 1] [getfield $pmem " " 2]]"
if {$nodestatus == "up"} {
append response "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#17ab4a;\">Up</span>\r\n"
} elseif {$nodestatus == "down"} {
append response "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#FF0000;\">Down</span>\r\n"
} elseif {$nodestatus == "session_disabled"} {
append response "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#B7950B;\">Disabled</span>\r\n"
} else {
append response "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#17ab4a;\">$nodestatus</span>\r\n"
set nodestatus null
append response " </td>\r\n"
append response " </tr>\r\n"
append response " </table>\r\n"
# End Pool Member Status Section
append response " </td>\r\n"
append response " <td style=\"width:50%;font-size:90%;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;\">\r\n"
append response " </td>\r\n"
append response " </tr>\r\n"
append response "</table>\r\n"
append response "</div>\r\n"
append response "<div style=\"padding-bottom:5px;\"></div>\r\n"
} errmsg ] } {
append response "<div style=\"line-height:125%;\">$thispool <span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:#FF0000\">ERROR: Invalid pool name</span></div>\r\n"
# End Tables containing Pools with at least one available pool member.
append response "</body>\r\n"
append response "</html>\r\n"
HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text/html"
log local0.info "$response"
Tested this on version:
- Maneesh_72711Cirrostratus
This is very good to get the details as we have number of developers who keep on chasing us for the pool member status.
- ANNimbostratus
I tried above code... I am getting ERROR: Invalid pool name
I put IP:PortNumber in BIG-IP_Pool_Member_Status Address: Value: :80
Do we suppose to put pool name i under IRUle:Data Group List? We are using Partition on BigIP.
- LoyalSoldierAltostratus
Yes, your pool names. The "IP:Port" in the image is what the result will look like when the page is processed.
So, under iRules | Data Group List you should have a list named "BIG-IP_Pool_Member_Status", with the string list of Pools you want. Nothing for the Value field.
- ANNimbostratus
That works,,, It wasn't clear Data Group list -> String we supposed to select. I had Address selected but once I changed to String and include pool member string,,, it started working,,,
Thanks again,,
- LoyalSoldierAltostratus
Your welcome. Sorry about forgetting that piece of information.
- ANNimbostratus
No Problem.. It's an awesome Tool that allow application/server team to look for Pool status.
Thanks for sharing.
- Maneesh_72711Cirrostratus
LoyalSoldier is there a way we can get the output like an XML ?
I got 150+ Pools out of which around 60 are marked down/decommed but still lying in the config, as a result it takes top half of the page, if I have XML I can get the XML/JSON called from an external application and there I can put a search box in which user can input his search string to extract the required info.
Or for that matter if we can have something on this page itself that is also great.
- LoyalSoldierAltostratus
As far as an XML output, you would have to re-code the HTML into an XML style format. For an example, see this link, go to the bottom of the last block of code and look for the section starting with this:
. It is RSS, which is XML, but you're more likely looking for XHTML, which is similar. https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/pool-member-status-page-on-a-virtual-server-v10if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/rss" } {
A built-in search feature sounds cool, but would have to be with a client side scripting ability, such as JavaScript. If you have a working example I can try and add it when I get time.
- Maneesh_72711Cirrostratus
when HTTP_REQUEST { IP Block. Allow specific users/groups to access the status page. if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals ] } { if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/servicexml" } { set response "\r\n"
Code to display inactive pools in XML Format append response "\r\n" append response "Inactive\r\n" foreach { selectedpool } [class get test] { set thispool [getfield $selectedpool " " 1] if { [catch { if { [active_members $thispool] < 1 } { Pool Status for pools with no active members append response "$thispool\r\n" } else { Skip } } errmsg ] } { append response "$thispool: ERROR: Invalid pool name\r\n" } } End XML containing "F5 Locations" and "Critical" sections. Code to display active pools in XML Format append response "Active\r\n" foreach { selectedpool } [class get test] { set thispool [getfield $selectedpool " " 1] if { [catch { if { [active_members $thispool] < 1 } { Pool Status for pools with no active members Skip. This is implemented above in the first table. } else { Pool Status append response "$thispool\r\n" Pool Member Status Section foreach { pmem } [members -list $thispool] { append response "$pmem\r\n" set nodestatus "[LB::status pool $thispool member [getfield $pmem " " 1] [getfield $pmem " " 2]]" if {$nodestatus == "up"} { append response "Up\r\n" } elseif {$nodestatus == "down"} { append response "Down\r\n" } elseif {$nodestatus == "session_disabled"} { append response "Disabled\r\n" } else { append response "$nodestatus\r\n" } set nodestatus null } } } errmsg ] } { append response "$thispool: ERROR: Invalid pool name\r\n" } } append response "\r\n" End Pool Member Status Section HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text" }
} }
- Maneesh_72711Cirrostratus
Thanks LoyalSoldier was able to convert the code to XML as mentioned above. Now can read the XML via an external HTML/JavaScript.