Forum Discussion

Al_Faller_1969's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 13, 2012

virus scan large file uploads

Hi All,




I'm running into an issue where I have users that upload files that could be 100meg in size, and I want to virus scan them using the ICAP feature in ASM. Unfortunately I am bumping into the long_request_buffer_size setting, which discards the request. Anyone have any recommendations on how to virus scan large files? From what I can tell, I can up the value of long_request_buffer_size to only 20meg, which isn't close to enough for us.










  • it seems not possible in current release.



    Bug 360625 - support ICAP scanning of documents larger than the long_request_buffer_size
  • it seems not possible in current release.



    Bug 360625 - support ICAP scanning of documents larger than the long_request_buffer_size That is very unfortunate. Thanks for the info.