Forum Discussion

SteveD1979's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 03, 2024

Large payload post requests aren't responding

Hi I'm having an issue with post requests with a large payload aren't responding.  It looks like with XML files but in dev tools in the browser it just shows in pending status.

This is a standard VIP with the built in http client profile and an APM policy using Kerberos.  If they bypass this VIP and hit a fast 4 VIP that doesn't have an APM policy it works fine.  We need the APM policy though.

  • I fixed this by unchecking the box for "secure" in the cookie options section of the access policy.

5 Replies

  • Have you tried a standard VIP with built in http client profile attached, but *without* the APM policy applied?

    If this doesn't work, then it could be one of the default http profile enforcement settings that is dropping the packet.

    Check the 'Enforcement' section in the following article (there are quite a few enforcement settings e.g. maximum header size, maximum header count etc):

    Also, check the LTM logs to see if you notice any error messages.

  • Thank I tried increasing the headers and header size but no luck.  I don't see anything in the logs and I'm waiting for the dev to be able to test removing the APM policy

    • SteveD1979's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Thanks I saw that article and tried changing the value but still didn't work.  I just confirmed that if I remove the access policy and leave the http profile it works.

  • I fixed this by unchecking the box for "secure" in the cookie options section of the access policy.