Log HTTP Request and Response Payload via HSL and Locally
Problem this snippet solves:
To log full HTTP Request data, to include Headers and Payload.
How to use this snippet:
To use this code, you will need to setup an HSL pool.
Though there is the option to log locally, I would highly recommend only logging off-box, as this could very easily fill your log files or, depending on how much HTTP traffic you pass through your LTM, could produce I/O errors while attempting to write to disk.
Code :
when RULE_INIT { # Log debug to /var/log/ltm? 1=yes, 0=no set static::payload_dbg 1 set static::log_local 0 # Limit payload collection to 5Mb set static::max_collect_len 5368709120 # HSL pool name set static::hsl_pool "hsl_pool" # Max characters to log locally (must be less than 1024 bytes) # https://devcentral.f5.com/s/wiki/iRules.log.ashx set static::max_chars 900 } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool $static::hsl_pool] } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { # Identify the Client and negotiated cipher. if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Connection from Client: [IP::client_addr] with Cipher: [SSL::cipher name] and SSL Version: [SSL::cipher version]"} } when SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE { # Identify the connected server and negotiated cipher. if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Connection to Remote Server: [IP::server_addr] with Cipher: [SSL::cipher name] and SSL Version: [SSL::cipher version]"} } when HTTP_REQUEST { set LogString "Client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "=============================================" } if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "$LogString (request)"} # log each Header. foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"} } if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "============================================="} if {[HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= 1048000} { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { HTTP::collect 1048000 } # Prevent the server from sending a compressed response # remove the compression offerings from the client HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding" # Don't allow response data to be chunked if { [HTTP::version] eq "1.1" } { # Force downgrade to HTTP 1.0, but still allow keep-alive connections. # Since HTTP 1.1 is keep-alive by default, and 1.0 isn't, # we need make sure the headers reflect the keep-alive status. # Check if this is a keep alive connection if { [HTTP::header is_keepalive] } { # Replace the connection header value with "Keep-Alive" HTTP::header replace "Connection" "Keep-Alive" } # Set server side request version to 1.0 # This forces the server to respond without chunking HTTP::version "1.0" } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { # Log the bytes collected if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Collected [HTTP::payload length] bytes"} # Log the payload locally if {[HTTP::payload length] < $static::max_chars}{ if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Payload=[HTTP::payload]"} } else { set payloadlength [HTTP::payload length] # Initialize variables set remaining [HTTP::payload length] set position 0 set count 1 set bytes_logged 0 set current 0 # Loop through and log each chunk of the payload if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "remaining=$remaining, static_max_chars=$static::max_chars"} while {$remaining > $static::max_chars}{ # Get the current chunk to log (subtract 1 from the end as string range is 0 indexed) if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "position + static::max_chars -1 == [expr {$position + $static::max_chars -1}]"} set current [expr {$position + $static::max_chars -1}] if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "chunk $count=$current"} # Log the chunk of HTTP Payload locally. if {$static::log_local}{log local0.debug "[string range "[HTTP::payload]" $position $current]"} # Send all the collected payload to the remote syslog server HSL::send $hsl "<190>[string range "[HTTP::payload]" $position $current]\n" # Add the length of the current chunk to the position for the next chunk # incr position $static::max_chars set position $current # Get the next chunk to log set remaining [expr {$remaining - $static::max_chars}] incr count incr bytes_logged $static::max_chars if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "remaining bytes=$remaining, \$position=$position, \$count=$count, \$bytes_logged=$bytes_logged"} } if {$remaining < $static::max_chars}{ if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "chunk $count=$current"} incr bytes_logged $remaining } if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Logged $count chunks for a total of $bytes_logged bytes"} } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { # Log the response headers. if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "============================================="} if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "$LogString (response) - status: [HTTP::status]"} foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"} } if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "=============================================" } switch -glob -- "[HTTP::header Content-Type]" { "*image*" - "*png*" {return} default { if {[HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= 1048000} { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { HTTP::collect 1048000 } } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { # Log the bytes collected if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Collected [HTTP::payload length] bytes"} # Log the payload locally if {[HTTP::payload length] < $static::max_chars}{ if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Payload=[HTTP::payload]"} } else { set payloadlength [HTTP::payload length] # Initialize variables set remaining [HTTP::payload length] set position 0 set count 1 set bytes_logged 0 set current 0 # Loop through and log each chunk of the payload if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "remaining=$remaining, static_max_chars=$static::max_chars"} while {$remaining > $static::max_chars}{ # Get the current chunk to log (subtract 1 from the end as string range is 0 indexed) if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "position + static::max_chars -1 == [expr {$position + $static::max_chars -1}]"} set current [expr {$position + $static::max_chars -1}] if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "chunk $count=$current"} # Log the chunk of HTTP Payload locally. if {$static::log_local}{log local0.debug "[string range "[HTTP::payload]" $position $current]"} # Send all the collected payload to the remote syslog server HSL::send $hsl "<190>[string range "[HTTP::payload]" $position $current]\n" # Add the length of the current chunk to the position for the next chunk # incr position $static::max_chars set position $current # Get the next chunk to log set remaining [expr {$remaining - $static::max_chars}] incr count incr bytes_logged $static::max_chars if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "remaining bytes=$remaining, \$position=$position, \$count=$count, \$bytes_logged=$bytes_logged"} } if {$remaining < $static::max_chars}{ if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "chunk $count=$current"} incr bytes_logged $remaining } if {$static::payload_dbg}{log local0.debug "Logged $count chunks for a total of $bytes_logged bytes"} } }
Published Jan 30, 2017
Version 1.0Jason_Adams
Joined February 28, 2013
Joined February 28, 2013
- jduke_350073
The code seems to have an issue - the last chunk of payload is not sent over HSL