191 Topicssnmp-check external monitor
Problem this snippet solves: This external monitor script runs an snmpget to pool members and marks the members up or down based upon the result. Specifically created for this GTM/APM use case, but can be modified as needed. How to use this snippet: copy the contents of this file into /config/monitors/snmp-check, and then in the external monitor configuration, reference the monitor and provide the following variable key/value pairs: result=<result> community=<community> OID=<oid> Code : #!/bin/sh # # (c) Copyright 1996-2005 F5 Networks, Inc. # # This software is confidential and may contain trade secrets that are the # property of F5 Networks, Inc. No part of the software may be disclosed # to other parties without the express written consent of F5 Networks, Inc. # It is against the law to copy the software. No part of the software may # be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, # electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information # storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose without the express written # permission of F5 Networks, Inc. Our services are only available for legal # users of the program, for instance in the event that we extend our services # by offering the updating of files via the Internet. # # @(#) $Id: sample_monitor,v 1.3 2005/02/04 18:47:17 saxon Exp $ # # # these arguments supplied automatically for all external pingers: # $1 = IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn notation or hostname) # $2 = port (decimal, host byte order) # $3 and higher = additional arguments # # $MONITOR_NAME = name of the monitor # # In this sample script, $3 is the regular expression # #These lines are required to control the process ID of the monitor pidfile="/var/run/$MONITOR_NAME.$1..$" if [ -f $pidfile ] then kill -9 `cat $pidfile` > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "$$" > $pidfile #Since version9 uses the ipv6 native version of the IP address, parse that down #for usage node_ip=`echo $1 | sed 's/::ffff://'` #Log the variables for debugging #echo IP= $node_ip Port =$2 OID= $OID comm= $community result= $result >> /var/tmp/test #Create a variable called answer that contains the result of the snmpwalk. answer=`snmpget $node_ip -c $community -O v $OID | awk '{print $2}'` #Log the answer for debugging #echo Answer= $answer >> /var/tmp/test if [ $answer -lt $result ] then echo "up" fi rm -f $pidfile Tested this on version: No Version Found2KViews2likes5CommentsTACACS+ External Monitor (Python)
Problem this snippet solves: This script is an external monitor for TACACS+ that simulates a TACACS+ client authenticating a test user, and marks the status of a pool member as up if the authentication is successful. If the connection is down/times out, or the authentication fails due to invalid account settings, the script marks the pool member status as down. This is heavily inspired by the Radius External Monitor (Python) by AlanTen. How to use this snippet: Prerequisite This script uses the TACACS+ Python client by Ansible (tested on version 2.6). Create the directory /config/eav/tacacs_plus on BIG-IP Copy all contents from tacacs_plus package into /config/eav/tacacs_plus. You may also need to download from and place it in /config/eav/tacacs_plus. You will need to have a test account provisioned on the TACACS+ server for the script to perform authentication. Installation On BIG-IP, import the code snippet below as an External Monitor Program File. Monitor Configuration Set up an External monitor with the imported file, and configure it with the following environment variables: KEY: TACACS+ server secret USER: Username for test account PASSWORD: Password for test account MOD_PATH: Path to location of Python package tacacs_plus, default: /config/eav TIMEOUT: Duration to wait for connectivity to TACACS server to be established, default: 3 Troubleshooting SSH to BIG-IP and run the script locally $ cd /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/external_monitor_d/ # Get name of uploaded file, e.g.: $ ls -la ... -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tomcat tomcat 1883 2021-09-17 04:05 :Common:tacacs-monitor_39568_7 # Run the script with the corresponding variables $ KEY=<my_tacacs_key> USER=<testuser> PASSWORD=<supersecure> python <external program file, e.g.:Common:tacacs-monitor_39568_7> <TACACS+ server IP> <TACACS+ server port> Code : #!/usr/bin/env python # # Filename : # Author : Leon Seng # Version : 1.2 # Date : 2021/09/21 # Python ver: 2.6+ # F5 version: 12.1+ # # ========== Installation # Import this script via GUI: # System > File Management > External Monitor Program File List > Import... # Name it however you want. # Get, modify and copy the following modules: # ========== Required modules # -- six -- # # Copy into /config/eav # # -- tacacs_plus -- # | # Copy tacacs_plus directory into /config/eav # ========== Environment Variables # NODE_IP - Supplied by F5 monitor as first argument # NODE_PORT - Supplied by F5 monitor as second argument # KEY - TACACS+ server secret # USER - Username for test account # PASSWORD - Password for test account # MOD_PATH - Path to location of Python package tacacs_plus, default: /config/eav # TIMEOUT - Duration to wait for connectivity to TACACS server to be established, default: 3 import os import socket import sys if os.environ.get('MOD_PATH'): sys.path.append(os.environ.get('MOD_PATH')) else: sys.path.append('/config/eav') # from tacacs_plus.client import TACACSClient node_ip = sys.argv[1] node_port = int(sys.argv[2]) key = os.environ.get("KEY") user = os.environ.get("USER") password = os.environ.get("PASSWORD") timeout = int(os.environ.get("TIMEOUT", 3)) # Determine if node IP is IPv4 or IPv6 family = None try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, node_ip) family = socket.AF_INET except socket.error: # not a valid address try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, node_ip) family = socket.AF_INET6 except socket.error: sys.exit(1) # Authenticate against TACACS server client = TACACSClient(node_ip, node_port, key, timeout=timeout, family=family) try: auth = client.authenticate(user, password) if auth.valid: print "up" except socket.error: # EAV script marks node as DOWN when no output is present pass Tested this on version: 12.11.2KViews1like0CommentsEspecial Load Balancing Active-Passive Scenario (I)
Problem this snippet solves: This code was written to solve this issue REF - Specification: 2 clusters with 2 nodes each one. each cluster will be served as active-passive method. each node in the cluster will be served as round robin. when a cluster changes to active, it will keep this status although the initial active cluster change back to up status. Only one BIG-IP device. There are many topics suggesting to use "Manual Resume" trying to goal this specifications, but this requires to manually restore each node when is back online. My initial idea was to have an unattended virtual server. To do so, I use a combination of persistence and an internal virtual server loadbalancing (Vip-targeting-Vip in the same device). How to use this snippet: This scenario is composed by the next set of objects: 4 nodes (Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4) 1 additional node called "internal_node" (which represents the VIP used on VIP-Targeting-VIP) 2 pools called "ClusterA_pool" and "ClusterB_pool" (which points to each pair of nodes) 1 additional pool called "MyPool" (which points the two internal VIP) 2 virtual servers called "ClusterA_vs" and "ClusterB_vs" (which use RoundRobin to the pools of the same name) 1 virtual server called "MyVS" (which is the visible VS and points to "MyPool") By the way, I use a "Slow Ramp Time" of 0 to reduce the failover time. Following you can find an example of configuration: ----------------- ltm virtual MyVS { destination ip-protocol tcp mask persist { universal { default yes } } pool MyPool profiles { tcp { } } rules { MyRule } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled vs-index 53 } ltm virtual ClusterA_vs { destination ip-protocol tcp mask pool ClusterA_pool profiles { tcp { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled vs-index 54 } ltm virtual ClusterB_vs { destination ip-protocol tcp mask pool ClusterB_pool profiles { tcp { } } source translate-address enabled translate-port enabled vs-index 55 } ltm pool ClusterA_pool { members { Node1:http { address session monitor-enabled state up } Node2:http { address session monitor-enabled state up } } monitor tcp slow-ramp-time 0 } ltm pool ClusterB_pool { members { Node3:http { address session monitor-enabled state up } Node4:http { address session monitor-enabled state up } } monitor tcp slow-ramp-time 0 } ltm node local_node { address } ----------------- Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set initial 0 set entry "" } when LB_SELECTED { incr initial # Checks if persistence entry exists catch { set entry [persist lookup uie [virtual name]] } # Loadbalancing selection base on persistence if { $entry eq "" } { set selection [LB::server port] } else { set selection [lindex [split $entry " "] 2] set status [LB::status pool MyPool member [LB::server addr] $selection] if { $status ne "up" } { catch { [persist delete uie [virtual name]] } set selection [LB::server port] } } # Adds a new persistence entry catch { persist add uie [virtual name] } # Applies the selection switch $selection { # This numbers represents the ports used at the VIP-targeting-VIP "1001" { LB::reselect virtual ClusterA_vs } "1002" { LB::reselect virtual ClusterB_vs } } } Tested this on version: 12.12.4KViews0likes1CommentBIG-IP Report
Problem this snippet solves: Overview This is a script which will generate a report of the BIG-IP LTM configuration on all your load balancers making it easy to find information and get a comprehensive overview of virtual servers and pools connected to them. This information is used to relay information to NOC and developers to give them insight in where things are located and to be able to plan patching and deploys. I also use it myself as a quick way get information or gather data used as a foundation for RFC's, ie get a list of all external virtual servers without compression profiles. The script has been running on 13 pairs of load balancers, indexing over 1200 virtual servers for several years now and the report is widely used across the company and by many companies and governments across the world. It's easy to setup and use and only requires auditor (read-only) permissions on your devices. Demo/Preview Interactive demo Screen shots The main report: The device overview: Certificate details: How to use this snippet: Installation instructions BigipReport REST This is the only branch we're updating since middle of 2020 and it supports 12.x and upwards (maybe even 11.6). Downloads: Documentation, installation instructions and troubleshooting: Docker support Kubernetes support BIG-IP Report (Legacy) Older version of the report that only runs on Windows and is depending on a Powershell plugin originally written by Joe Pruitt (F5) BIG-IP Report (only download this if you have v10 devices): iControl Snapin Documentation and Installation Instructions Upgrade instructions Protect the report using APM and active directory Written by DevCentral member Shann_P: Got issues/problems/feedback? Still have issues? Drop a comment below. We usually reply quite fast. Any bugs found, issues detected or ideas contributed makes the report better for everyone, so it's always appreciated. --- Join us on Discord: Code : BigIP Report Tested this on version: 12, 13, 14, 15, 1614KViews20likes96CommentsProxy Protocol v2 Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: Proxy Protocol v1 related articles have already been posted on DevCentral, but there is no v2 support iRule code available. A customer wanted to support Proxy Protocol v2, so I wrote an iRule code for supporting v2. Proxy protocol for the BIG-IP ( How to use this snippet: Back-end server must handle Proxy header prior data exchange. Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # DEBUG On/Off set DEBUG 0 set v2_proxy_header "0d0a0d0a000d0a515549540a" # v2 version and command : 0x21 - version 2 & PROXY command set v2_ver_command "21" # v2 address family and transport protocol : 0x11 - AF_INET (IPv4) & TCP protocol set v2_af_tp "11" # v2 Address Size : 0x000C - 12 bytes for IPv4 + TCP set v2_address_length "000c" # Get TCP port - 2 byte hexadecimal format set src_port [format "%04x" [TCP::client_port]] set dst_port [format "%04x" [TCP::local_port]] # Get Src Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::client_addr] "."] { append src_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Get Dst Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::local_addr] "."] { append dst_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Build proxy v2 data set proxy_data [binary format H* "${v2_proxy_header}${v2_ver_command}${v2_af_tp}${v2_address_length}${src_addr}${dst_addr}${src_port}${dst_port}"] if { $DEBUG } { binary scan $proxy_data H* proxy_dump log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]_[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] - proxy_data dump : $proxy_dump" } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxy_data }379Views2likes0CommentsPowerShell module for the F5 LTM REST API
Problem this snippet solves: To report an issue with the F5-LTM or F5-BIGIP modules, please use the Issues sections of the GitHub repos (here and here) instead of commenting here. Thanks! This PowerShell module uses the iControlREST API to manipulate and query pools, pool members, virtual servers, and iRules. It aims to support version 11.5.1 and higher, and to conform to the schedule for technical support of versions, though this may eventually prove to become difficult. The module currently includes some functionality that, strictly speaking, is outside the scope of the LTM module. Hence, there is an active effort to wrap this LTM module into a larger BIG-IP module, and relocate that functionality elsewhere within that parent module, as well as expand the scope of functionality to include BIG-IP DNS (formerly GTM) and possibly other areas. Both the LTM module and the parent BIG-IP module are projects on github. Please use these projects to report any issues you discover. Thanks! The module contains the following functions. Add-iRuleToVirtualServer Add-iRuleToVirtualServer Add-PoolMember Add-PoolMonitor Disable-PoolMember Disable-VirtualServer Enable-PoolMember Enable-VirtualServer Get-CurrentConnectionCount (deprecated; use Get-PoolMemberStats | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'serverside.curConns') Get-F5Session (will be deprecated in future versions. use New-F5Session) Get-F5Status Get-HealthMonitor Get-HealthMonitorType Get-iRule Get-iRuleCollection (deprecated; use Get-iRule) Get-Node Get-BIGIPPartition Get-Pool Get-PoolList (deprecated; use Get-Pool) Get-PoolMember Get-PoolMemberCollection (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberCollectionStatus Get-PoolMemberDescription (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberIP (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMembers (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMemberStats Get-PoolMemberStatus (deprecated; use Get-PoolMember) Get-PoolMonitor Get-PoolsForMember Get-StatusShape Get-VirtualServer Get-VirtualServeriRuleCollection (deprecated; use Get-VirtualServer | Where rules | Select -ExpandProperty rules) Get-VirtualServerList (deprecated; use Get-VirtualServer) Invoke-RestMethodOverride New-F5Session New-HealthMonitor New-Node New-Pool New-VirtualServer Remove-HealthMonitor Remove-iRule Remove-iRuleFromVirtualServer Remove-Pool Remove-PoolMember Remove-PoolMonitor Remove-ProfileRamCache Remove-Node Remove-VirtualServer Set-iRule Set-PoolLoadBalancingMode (deprecated; use Set-Pool) Set-PoolMemberDescription Set-Pool Set-VirtualServer Sync-DeviceToGroup Test-F5Session Test-Functionality Test-HealthMonitor Test-Node Test-Pool Test-VirtualServer How to use this snippet: To use the module, click 'Download Zip', extract the files, and place them in a folder named F5-LTM beneath your PowerShell modules folder. By default, this is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. The WindowsPowerShell and Modules folders may need to be created. You will most likely need to unblock the files after extracting them. Use the Unblock-File PS cmdlet to accomplish this. The Validation.cs class file (based on code posted by Brian Scholer) allows for using the REST API with LTM devices with self-signed SSL certificates. Nearly all of the functions require an F5 session object as a parameter, which contains the base URL for the F5 LTM and a credential object for a user with privileges to manipulate the F5 LTM via the REST API. Use the New-F5session function to create this object. This function expects the following parameters: The name or IP address of the F5 LTM device A credential object for a user with rights to use the REST API An optional TokenLifespan value for extending the life of the authentication token past the default 20 minutes You can create a credential object using Get-Credential and entering the username and password at the prompts, or programmatically like this: $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "username", $secpasswd Thanks to Kotesh Bandhamravuri and his blog entry for this snippet. There is a function called Test-Functionality that takes an F5Session object, a new pool name, a new virtual server, an IP address for the virtual server, and a computer name as a pool member, and validates nearly all the functions in the module. I've also contributed this code sample for how to gather some basic info about your LTM with this PS module. The module has been tested on: 11.5.1 Build 8.0.175 Hotfix 8 and later 11.6.0 Build 5.0.429 Hotfix 4 and later 12.0 / 12.1 13.0 Code : Tested this on version: 11.520KViews2likes150CommentsFQDN nodes in non-default route domains
Problem this snippet solves: Currently there is no support for FQDN nodes in non-default route domains as per Article. With recent increase in cloud deployment, most of the time there is a requirement from F5 to load balance to servers or ELB in the cloud which has FQDN names as those are having dyanamic IP addresses. If you are using route domains in your BIGIP environment then this becomes a challenge. Below iRule script can be used in those scenerios to use F5 to send traffic to FQDN nodes in non-default route domains. How to use this snippet: If FQDN needs to be resolved by your internal DNS, create performance layer 4 VIP (dns_53) load balancing your DNS servers. DNS server can be used directly in the iRule itself, but it would be better to use a VIP to have redundancy. Create iRule and apply to the VIP Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set host [RESOLV::lookup @dns_53 ""] set ip [getfield $host " " 1] node [lindex $ip 0]%<Rd> 443 } Tested this on version: 14.11.4KViews1like3CommentsDNS Query Name Parsing iRule
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule will extract the DNS Query Name in the absence of a DNS profile being applied to a Virtual Server. How to use this snippet: # This is a shameless rip from an old Devcentral post DNS Hostname Parsing iRule that, to the best of my knowledge, never made it to a Code Share. To use this code, simply apply this to a UDP Virtual Server that processes DNS traffic. (No DNS Profile necessary). Code : when FLOW_INIT { #extract QNAME from QUESTION header #${i} is a sanity check so this logic won't spin on invalid QNAMEs set i 0 #initialize our position in the QNAME parsing and the text QNAME set offset 12 set length 1 set endlength 1 set name "" #/extract QNAME from QUESTION header while {${length} > 0 && ${i} < 10} { #length contains the first part length binary scan [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] ${offset} ${offset}]] c foo #make the length an unsigned integer set length [expr {${foo} & 0xff}] if {${length} > 0} { #grab a part and put it in our text QNAME section append name [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] [expr {${offset} + 1}] [expr {${offset} + ${length}}]] #Watch the DNS QNAME get built during the loop. Remove the following line for production use. log "BUILDING DNS NAME: [IP::client_addr] queried ${name} offset ${offset} length ${length}" #grab a part and put it in our text QNAME section set offset [expr {${offset} + ${length} +1}] #endlength contains the Last part length binary scan [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] ${offset} ${offset}]] c foo #make the length an unsigned integer set endlength [expr {${foo} & 0xff}] if { ${endlength} > 0} { #put a dot between parts like a normal DNS name append name "." } incr i } } #/extract QNAME from QUESTION header #Input the required action here, where "${name}" is the variable that is reviewed for decision making. #Sample action would be a pool statement. The below log statement should be removed for production use. log "FINAL DNS NAME: [IP::client_addr] queried ${name}" } Tested this on version: 12.1689Views2likes1CommentSFTP file existence monitor
Problem this snippet solves: SFTP file existence monitor How to use this snippet: This monitor definition allows for a monitor to connect to a SFTP server and check for the existence of a file using username/password. Written for a specific implementation where they wouldn't use key pairs, plus it turns out that curl on F5's was compiled with sftp support disabled, so I had to use expect instead. It's based off of the default sample_monitor. Create a monitor definition with 3 variables: $monitor_sftp_USER = Username of SFTP server $monitor_sftp_PASS = Password for $monitor_sftp_USER $monitor_sftp_STRING` = String/Filename to search for I have also written a modified version whereby you can encrypt the password manually using the unit master-key and add that as the password variable, which I can post if wanted. Code : #!/bin/sh # # (c) Copyright 1996-2006, 2010-2013 F5 Networks, Inc. # # This software is confidential and may contain trade secrets that are the # property of F5 Networks, Inc. No part of the software may be disclosed # to other parties without the express written consent of F5 Networks, Inc. # It is against the law to copy the software. No part of the software may # be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, # electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information # storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose without the express written # permission of F5 Networks, Inc. Our services are only available for legal # users of the program, for instance in the event that we extend our services # by offering the updating of files via the Internet. # # @(#) $Id: //depot/maint/bigip12.1.1/tm_daemon/monitors/sample_monitor#1 $ # # # these arguments supplied automatically for all external pingers: # $1 = IP (::ffff:nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn notation or hostname) # $2 = port (decimal, host byte order) # # The following must all be set as variables in the monitor definition # $monitor_sftp_USER = Username of SFTP server # $monitor_sftp_PASS = Password for $monitor_sftp_USER # $monitor_sftp_STRING` = String/Filename to search for # # $MONITOR_NAME = name of the monitor # # In this sample script, $3 is the regular expression # # Name of the pidfile pidfile="/var/run/$MONITOR_NAME.$1..$" # Send signal to the process group to kill our former self and any children # as external monitors are run with SIGHUP blocked if [ -f $pidfile ] then kill -9 -`cat $pidfile` > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "$$" > $pidfile # Remove the IPv6/IPv4 compatibility prefix node_ip=`echo $1 | sed 's/::ffff://'` # Using expect and sftp to get directory listing from the server. # Search the data received for the expected string. expect -c " spawn sftp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oPort=$2 $monitor_sftp_USER@$node_ip; expect \"password:\"; send $monitor_sftp_PASS\r; expect \"sftp>\"; send \"ls -l\r\"; expect \"sftp>\"; send \"exit\r\" " | grep $monitor_sftp_STRING > /dev/null status=$? if [ $status -eq 0 ] then # Remove the pidfile before the script echoes anything to stdout and is killed by bigd rm -f $pidfile echo "up" fi # Remove the pidfile before the script ends rm -f $pidfile Tested this on version: 12.1664Views0likes1CommentHangman game (Optimized for v11.x)
Problem this snippet solves: This is an iRule implementation of the popular Hangman game. This was originally written by torzillo for v9.x ( This version has been optimized to use static variables (to prevent CMP Demotion), and utilizes an External Data Group instead of the class' object. For the time being, the External Datagroup is available on Pastebin...It's 21,492 lines, so DevCentral was marking the POST as SPAM. Hangmanwords_external_dg (hosted on How to use this snippet: 1. Create the iRule (Web UI -> Local Traffic -> iRules -> iRule List 2. Create the External Data Group as a Text File on your desktop. * I recommend using Notepad++ to Search and Replace all \r\n (CRLF) with \n (LF) * This is because the LTM Web UI will reject \r\n formatted lines. `</pre> **3.** Import the External Data Group to the LTM <pre>`* Web UI -> System -> File Management -> Data Group File List -> Import Name is arbitrary. File Contents = String Data Group Name = Hangmanwords_external_dg Code : when RULE_INIT { #If $static::hangmandebug is set to 1 then the program will do a lot of logging set static::hangmandebug 1 #This variable will return the number of words in your dictionary. set static::hangmanWordSize [class size Hangmanwords_external_dg] if { $static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "$static::hangmanWordSize Words in Dictionary" } #These two variables are commented out because scoring is not yet implemented # #set static::hangmanHighScore 0 #set static::hangmanHighUser "Nobody has won yet." # #This iRule is designed to be done entirely in the HTTP_REQUEST event #The client does GET requests, and the iRule interacts with the user through #cookies and redirects. The path in the URI is used to determine what #action to take. # #The GIFs are base-64 encoded. They could have been placed in /var/class #on the LTM but this would make the code less cut and paste friendly. # #There is an associated external data-group for this iRule. #The basic format of an external data-group is as follows: #"key1" := "value", #"key2" := "value", #"key3" := "value" # #NOTE: There is a comma after every line except the last one #NOTE: The ending character MUST be \n (LF) \r\n (CRLF) Will fail to import. # #IMPORTANT: Create the External Datagroup with the name of Hangmanwords_external_dg #Import the external Data Group to: # WebUI -> System -> File Management -> External Datagroup List # With a type of string #The original Code was written by Tony Torzillo to demonstrate iRule functionality. #The v11.x optimized/compatable version was modified by Jason Adams. #TODO: Implement scoring - thought about using a global associative array #or just continuing to use cookies. Wanted to avoid globals, but if we want #to track the high score for all users we would have to use at least a global #for that. # #Implement cookie encryption - had a lot of cookie debugging to do. Wanted to #implement AES encryption for the cookies so that someone can't cheat. # #Implement input validation - No input validation currently when someone puts in a #userID. This code might be vulnerable to exploits and tampering since a lot of validation #isn't done. There was some attempt to protect against forceful browsing, but it isn't #that robust. # #Implement cookie validation - someone could really mess the code up by putting in some #strange cookie values with something like Fiddler. Also if cookie encryption is implemented #you have to make sure to account for the case where the cookies can't be decrypted. This #can happen if someone loads the iRule into memory in RULE_INIT and overwrites the existing #key. I didn't want to implement cookie encryption without cookie validation. # #This iRule has been tested to work on 11.6.0. It should work for all versions of v11.x, # But I can't guarantee it will work. # #This code should not be used on a production system as it may have security flaws or #problems with continuous redirects. # } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "in HTTP_REQUEST" } #This iRule will do different things based on the path passed in. #Different image names in the path will cause it to display a GIF or PNG #It does this by sending a b64encoded GIF or PNG back with an HTTP response #when that image is referenced - i.e. /hangman.gif could be referenced within #the iRule with #I realize that this could have been put in /var/class to make the code cleaner #but I wanted it to be cut and paste friendly. switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::path]] { /hangman.gif { HTTP::respond 200 content [b64decode \ "R0lGODlhtgFQAPcAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgMDAwP8AAAD/AP//AAAA//8A/wD/\ /////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/wAzAAAzMwAzZgAzmQAzzAAz/wBm\ AABmMwBmZgBmmQBmzABm/wCZAACZMwCZZgCZmQCZzACZ/wDMAADMMwDMZgDMmQDMzADM/wD/AAD/\ MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD//zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMAzDMA/zMzADMzMzMzZjMzmTMzzDMz/zNmADNmMzNm\ ZjNmmTNmzDNm/zOZADOZMzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/zPMADPMMzPMZjPMmTPMzDPM/zP/ADP/MzP/ZjP/\ mTP/zDP//2YAAGYAM2YAZmYAmWYAzGYA/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZm\ zGZm/2aZAGaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/2bMAGbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM/2b/AGb/M2b/Zmb/mWb/zGb/\ /5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/5kzAJkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/5lmAJlmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/5mZ\ AJmZM5mZZpmZmZmZzJmZ/5nMAJnMM5nMZpnMmZnMzJnM/5n/AJn/M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn//8wAAMwA\ M8wAZswAmcwAzMwA/8wzAMwzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz/8xmAMxmM8xmZsxmmcxmzMxm/8yZAMyZM8yZ\ ZsyZmcyZzMyZ/8zMAMzMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM/8z/AMz/M8z/Zsz/mcz/zMz///8AAP8AM/8AZv8A\ mf8AzP8A//8zAP8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z//9mAP9mM/9mZv9mmf9mzP9m//+ZAP+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+Z\ zP+Z///MAP/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M////AP//M///Zv//mf//zP///ywAAAAAtgFQAAAI/wAfCBxI\ sKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bN\ mzhz6tzJs6fPn0CDCh1KtKjRo0iTKl3KtKnTp1CjSp1KtarVq1izat3KtavXr2DDih1LtqzZs2jT\ ql3Ltq3bt3DjypUIoC4AhXbvJszLke/cnn732v27Mq9ehqnsUhNcdzFCu6n6Dia8M/DjyZRPGnaY\ uDFCankdGwRdN/JGy5ltoja4OnXIzQ1JAxBdUDYA06MVS67rGmdrgr97d4TNUDbugp1LI0xOG2Nw\ 4S2fP5AO3Tl1gbL9LM97nGDy4Zirx/+Ufl08ReIMfxvWfrD8Q/fmR5IPH3/jFLtT3tMfaPgwQdvg\ 8VbfS/MJOOBGyXWnkB+6sWZYcw8YF6B/B6pUIIUVWsRgXew1xFxu6A0k4W4YpgbfRxdmqFGCD7FY\ W38KygbhRSe2VeOEC92ookEbAtBhcZAZlFyD3hGpkY5qIXnkfgUpuaNALsZm149Q9kflAz3OaJGT\ Z3FJI5PAgfnkQz1eidd+/fnooIGniUmYl1u6OZ2cYy4UZUOrTdnji3TS1WdccFaUYp0UlQnRh2He\ hih/yuFYXaDnyQnpgXciZqRxMhbZKIniTeonm+39SaiQQT40InaKZSqikUuC6pqnEQ3/OmpEqjp0\ 6gMflipQlh7B+pWv+rnapKizDlTpQrLlZ+xgtwZHTY9p+jjjb0OmaSZ20Fo7bXjUUJPKhmam8i2H\ Wj4b7ZQTndtatlbGKWyiJUZYLYzbstltcn5oiV1nfojbLa7iKmjZveAe5C24+rK73mUG3puggqh6\ BpFlfqHL6Lu2qTvbmhhmrC6EHp8LYWjjRkvwuTFqHFqsKvOp8sbpSspkyCZznMp9IiOkcJocHyyy\ 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WXMAAAsSAAALEgHS3X78AAAAB3RJTUUH1QUSFAoGtHRxSwAAAslJREFUeJzt3EEKhDAUBUGVuf+V\ 9QgKDnxiV53gbdJkEbJtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMCdfXoA487pAR+x\ 5Fk6pgcAcwQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwn7TA1jGkk9dH0g/hXYDgDABgDABgDAB\ gDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDABgDB/AvLVv/54wA0A\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQA\ wgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwgQAwvbpAfzFOT2AMa/OsBsAhAkAhAkAhAkA\ hAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAhAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\ AAAAAAAAANy7AOu/BIYwGzL3AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"] "Content-Type" "image-png" return ok } /hangman1.png { HTTP::respond 200 content [b64decode \ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAQAAAAEACAYAAABccqhmAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBI\ WXMAAAsSAAALEgHS3X78AAAAB3RJTUUH1QUSFCoRoiPQLgAACCtJREFUeJzt3duLXWcBhvFnMpFq\ HJ02tTapRpFq0CimB0/VSqUWvRBBEIreiDeKWFTUG/8GURDESy/Eq4qoqEE8oPEUarVFwSbioWrS\ Jm2TVMemMccZL969mVy0TJLZzs7a7/ODYWgns2aHzvesb6/vW6sgSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIk\ SZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZLWMjftF6CpW5n2C5gRgxxLm6b9AiRNjwGQihkA\ qZgBkIoZAKmYAZCKGQCpmAGQihkAqZgBkIptnvYL0GAMcqvrRajeCu0MQCpmAKRiBkAqZgCkYgZA\ KmYApGIGQCpmAKRiBkAqZgCkYgZAKmYApGIGQCpmAKRiBkAqZgCkYgZAF2th2i9Ak2cAul3KoL4b\ uAnY+n96LZoCHwnWaSvwMuCuS/iezwF/An4N7AUeAk5M/JVpQ83qc9707F4HvAu4A9gN3AD8FlgG\ tgHbgecDTwNHgMfITPEtwHngOHA/8APgR8DDG/vyJ25SzwR0LOmKdyvwZeAgcBr4GXCUDILxxzng\ zOjrZ8igXxn9ub0kFCeBA8DnR8ccspUJfQyS1eqxC/goeS+/RAbyrtHXVshAXyJn9MOjr18N3Ahc\ 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5z6GQGUMgLb1Xfzj3NcQqIgB0K7tKv5xtmEIVMIAaNN2F/842zIEKmAAtGdWxT/ONg2BgTMA2jLr 4h9n24bAgBkA7ZhX8Y/zGIbAQBkAbZh38Y/zWIbAABkA9RtK8Y/zmIbAwBgAdRta8Y/z2IbAgBgA 9Rpq8XcMgQoYAHUaevF3DIGBMwDqU0vxdwyBATMA6lJb8XcMgYEyAOpRa/F3DIEBMgDqUHvxdwyB gTEAhq+V4u8YAgNiAAxba8XfMQQGwgAYrlaLv2MIDIABMEytF3/HEJgzA2B4shR/xxCYIwOgHi0W f6fl323QDIA6ZCiQDL/j4BgAw3N6IWQqjMy/+1z4H6zs+uozVFlLjgCkxAwAKTEDQErMAJASMwCk xAwAKTEDQErMAJASMwCkxAwAKTEDQErMAJASMwCkxAwAKTEDQErMAJASMwCkxAwAKTEDQErMAJAS MwCkxAwAKbEqL2Ws/+Of0Mprqhp2BCAlZgBIiRkAUmIGgJSYASAlZgBIiRkAUmIGgJSYASAlZgBI iRkAUmIGgJSYASAlZgBIiRkAkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJ kiRJkiRJkiRt7n8pxODdWqySZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="] "Content-Type" "image-png" return ok } /flash.html { if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanCookie]}{ set userID [substr [HTTP::cookie HangmanCookie] 7 ":"] set hangword [findstr [HTTP::cookie HangmanCookie] "hangword," 9 ":"] if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "userID=$userID and hangword = $hangword" } } else { #If they got in here it was probably by forceful browsing, so send #them back to the main page. The cookie needs to be set before moving #forward. HTTP::redirect "/index.html" return ok } #Test to see if there are any wrong answers and change that variable to the #number wrong if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrong]} { set wronganswers [HTTP::cookie HangmanWrong] } else { set wronganswers 0 } #Figure out how long the hangman word is set lettercount [string length $hangword] #Iteratively print the letters as dashes - filling in letters if there is a correct #guess #create a blank string called letterstring set letterstring "" #See if there were any correct guesses first and set a variable to that #value if { [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanGuesses] } { set guesses [HTTP::cookie HangmanGuesses] } else { set guesses "_" } if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Guesses = $guesses" } #create a list of letters from the hangman word #This is used to determine if a character should be printed on the #hangman board or not. This creates a list by making each letter #into a member of the list - so "abcdef" becomes { a b c d e f } #You can then reference them with [lindex $hangletterlist 0] #which in this example would be "a" because it is the 0th letter in #the list. set hangletterlist [split $hangword {}] #OK - iterate through the whole list of letters in the word and determine #if any of the existing guesses there are correct. If so then print them #accordingly #Assume that there are no right guesses and if there are then display them #If the user has as many rightguesses as letters then they win set rightguesses 0 #Wrong guesses isn't used yet - this could be implemented later though #set wrongguesses 0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $lettercount } { incr i } { set currentletter [string toupper [lindex $hangletterlist $i]] if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Currentletter = $currentletter" } if { $guesses contains $currentletter } { set letterstring "$letterstring $currentletter" incr rightguesses } else { set letterstring "$letterstring _" #incr wrongguesses } } #If the number of guesses is the same as the letter count they won. if { $rightguesses >= $lettercount } { if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Going to redirect to win.html" } HTTP::respond 302 Location "/win.html?userID=$userID&hangword=$hangword" #Set-Cookie: $cookies return ok if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Should have redirected so I shouldn't be here" } } if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Letterstring = $letterstring" } #Keystring is the keyboard that is displayed to the user. #If they already guessed wrong then don't display that key as an HREF. Bold it. # set keystring "" #Build a keystring so that if the guesses were wrong you don't include an #HREF. if { [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrongGuesses] } { set badguesses "[HTTP::cookie HangmanWrongGuesses]" } else { set badguesses "0" } if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Badguesses = $badguesses" } #Create a list representing the keyboard and iterate through it to determine #if each letter should be represented as a link or as a bolded character. #A bolded character means it has already been pressed, either in a correct guess #or in a wrong guess. # #To add a space into the keyboard, just insert a "-" into the list #To add a space and a line break, just insert a "_" into the list foreach keyletter { Q W E R T Y U I O P _ A S D F G H J K L _ - Z X C V B N M} { if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Keyletter = $keyletter" } if { (not ($keyletter eq "_") ) and ( ($badguesses contains $keyletter) or ($guesses contains $keyletter) )} { set keystring "$keystring\n$keyletter" } else { if {$keyletter eq "_"} { set keystring "$keystring\n " } elseif {$keyletter eq "-"} { set keystring "$keystring\n " } else { set keystring "$keystring\n$keyletter" } } } if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Keystring = $keystring" } #This code will display a keyboard. If a user presses a key #then this will be the path that is called if { $wronganswers < 7 } { #All of this is just a bunch of HTML to create keys that the user #can click on. Then we can check the path and see what letter they pressed. #Kind of a cool way to do user input, since we don't use any forms or anything. #Just good old HTML the way Dr. Berners Lee intended it to be. :) HTTP::respond 200 content " $letterstring $keystring " return ok } else { #The user lost because wronganswers is not < 7 #so now get rid of the cookies if { $static::hangmandebug } { log local0.debug "User lost" } set wronganswers 0 HTTP::respond 302 Location "/lost.html?hangword=$hangword&userID=$userID" return ok } } /lost.html* { if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "I'm in your lost section logging your irulez" } #Get the word that they passed in if { [HTTP::query] contains "hangword=" } { set hangword [findstr [HTTP::query] "hangword=" 9 "&"] } else { set hangword "Undefined." } if { [HTTP::query] contains "userID=" } { set userID [findstr [HTTP::query] "userID=" 7 "&"] } else { set userID "Undefined." } HTTP::respond 200 content " I am so sorry that you lost. Please try again. The super tricky word that finally did you in was $hangword. Please press here to start over " return ok } /win.html* { if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "I'm in your win section winning your irulez" } if { [HTTP::query] contains "userID=" } { set userID [findstr [HTTP::query] "userID=" 7 "&"] } if { [HTTP::query] contains "hangword=" } { set hangword [findstr [HTTP::query] "hangword=" 9 "&"] } #Before we do any operations on variables we should check to see if they exist first #if userID doesn't exist then we will behave differently. if { [info exists userID] } { HTTP::respond 200 content " You won. You are so awesome $userID. The winning word was $hangword. Please press here to keep going Click Here for a definition of ${hangword} " return ok } else { HTTP::respond 200 content " I am not sure how you arrived here but this is the win page. If you want to play and really win press here. " return ok } } /?.html { #Get the letter that was pressed from the PATH set letter [substr "[HTTP::path]" 1 "."] if {($letter >= "A") and ($letter <= "Z") } { if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Letter pressed was $letter" } if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanCookie]}{ set userID [substr [HTTP::cookie HangmanCookie] 7 ":"] set hangword [findstr [HTTP::cookie HangmanCookie] "hangword," 9 ":"] if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "Letter pressed was $letter userID=$userID and hangword = $hangword" } #Check to see if the word contains the letter pressed if {"[string toupper $hangword]" contains "$letter" } { #If it has the letter you need to display the new #string - for now just redirect back #Getting in here means that the user guessed the letter properly if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "The letter $letter was in $hangword" } if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanGuesses]}{ set guesses [HTTP::cookie HangmanGuesses] set guesses "$guesses,$letter" } else { set guesses "$letter" } HTTP::respond 302 Location "/flash.html" "Set-Cookie" \ HangmanGuesses=$guesses return ok } else { #We have to store the letters they guessed wrong as well if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrongGuesses]}{ set guesses [HTTP::cookie HangmanWrongGuesses] set guesses "$guesses,$letter" } else { set guesses "$letter" } #If there ia a cookie called HangmanWrong, then increment it #if there isn't then create it. if {[HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrong] } { if {$static::hangmandebug} {log local0.debug "Had a hangman wrong cookie"} set hangmanWrong "[HTTP::cookie HangmanWrong]" incr hangmanWrong set cookies "HangmanWrong=$hangmanWrong\r\nSet-Cookie: HangmanWrongGuesses=$guesses" HTTP::respond 302 Location "/flash.html" Set-Cookie $cookies return ok } else { set hangmanWrong "1" if {$static::hangmandebug} {log local0.debug "No hangmanwrong cookie"} set cookies "HangmanWrong=$hangmanWrong\r\nSet-Cookie: HangmanWrongGuesses=$guesses" HTTP::respond 302 Location "/flash.html" Set-Cookie $cookies return ok } } } else { #If they got in here it was probably by forceful browsing, so send #them back to the main page. The cookie needs to be set before moving #forward. HTTP::redirect "/index.html" return ok } } else { #This code should only execute if someone put something manually into the URL #bar to try and mess with the program. HTTP::respond 200 content "You pressed $letter, which is not a valid letter" return ok } } /cookieclear.html { #This code was necessary because cookies weren't clearing properly when done all at once #Tried this to do them manually. Cookies can be a bit difficult to clean up. #This hack will remove the cookies by setting the expire time to an hour #earlier in relative time # #Create a string with all the cookies to send back #This one expires all the cookies #Internet Explorer doesn't process Max-Age - so much for RFC-2109 #Firefox doesn't process expires=-3600 - not sure why #Must do both to support both browsers if { [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrong] or [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanGuesses] or \ [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanCookie] or [HTTP::cookie exists HangmanWrongGuesses] } { HTTP::respond 302 Location "/cookieclear.html" Set-Cookie \ "HangmanWrong=null; expires=-3600; max-age=0;\ \r\nSet-Cookie: HangmanGuesses=null; expires=-3600; max-age=0;\ \r\nSet-Cookie: HangmanCookie=null; expires=-3600; max-age=0;\ \r\nSet-Cookie: HangmanWrongGuesses=null; expires=-3600; max-age=0;" return ok } #If they got to here there are no more cookies in the cookie jar. Time to go to the grocery #store and buy some more. #Ok, nice metaphor but we are just going to redirect back to index.hmtl. If they aren't gone it #will come back. Hope we don't get stuck in a loop. #Keep the userID - should be in the Referer header if { [HTTP::header referer] contains "userID=" } { set userID [findstr "[HTTP::header referer]" "userID=" 7 "&"] HTTP::respond 302 Location "/index.html?userID=$userID" return ok } else { HTTP::respond 302 Location "/index.html" return ok } } /index.html - / { #Check to see if any cookies exist. They shouldn't since this is the start of the program. if { [HTTP::cookie exists "HangmanCookie" ] or [HTTP::cookie exists "HangmanWrong"] \ or [HTTP::cookie exists "HangmanGuesses"] or [HTTP::cookie exists "HangmanWrongGuesses"] } { #If there is already a cookie then the user shouldn't be here. #They probably messed with the URL bar manually. HTTP::respond 302 Location "/cookieclear.html" return ok } else { #This is where we need to set the userID if { [HTTP::uri] contains "userID=" } { #Search for userID in query string set userID [findstr "[HTTP::query]" "userID=" 7 "&"] #This is to search through the data group to get the random word #the variable $static::hangmanWordSize is a variable that represents #the number of words in the data group, or "class" set randomnumber [expr { int ($static::hangmanWordSize * rand()) }] #Since the class is separated by spaces we can just get the one with #that index #The words in the class have the format of "Number Word" #So if you reference "1 aardvark" you can get the word #aardvark using findclass set myword [class element -name "$randomnumber" Hangmanwords_external_dg] if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "SELECTED WORD: $myword" } set cookies "HangmanCookie=userID,$userID:hangword,$myword" HTTP::respond 302 Location "/flash.html" Set-Cookie $cookies return ok #This is just the intro page if there was no userID in the URI #Just put the basic page up } else { HTTP::respond 200 content " The hangman game is one in which you attempt to guess the letters in a word. The number of letters in the word will be represented by dashes. You have 7 chances to guess the word, and each time you are wrong you will see a new body part created. Please enter a username below and press enter to start the game. This whole game is done by an iRule with a single event. There are $static::hangmanWordSize words available in this game. Username: " return ok } } } } if {$static::hangmandebug} { log local0.debug "The PATH was [HTTP::path]" } }907Views0likes2Comments