Forum Discussion

Willian_Guilher's avatar
Sep 20, 2014

Virtual Server and Pool Status

If a virtual server or pool is showing a black diamond (What will be the status icon colour be when you enable it)?


  • If the member or pool is still being marked down by a monitor after you re-enable, you should see a red diamond..


  • If the member or pool is still being marked down by a monitor after you re-enable, you should see a red diamond..


    • Willian_Guilher's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      I think it depends, because if there is a monitor assigned to the pool, when you re-enable it it will show the Green circle as the member is available. It would show a red diamond if the server is indeed down, and regardless of having a monitor assigned a red diamond would be shown Now there is the possibility that the pool does not have a monitor assigned to it, in this case a Blue Square would be shown since the status of its pool members is unknown as long as the backend server is alive.
  • If the member or pool is still being marked down by a monitor after you re-enable, you should see a red diamond..


    • Willian_Guilher's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      I think it depends, because if there is a monitor assigned to the pool, when you re-enable it it will show the Green circle as the member is available. It would show a red diamond if the server is indeed down, and regardless of having a monitor assigned a red diamond would be shown Now there is the possibility that the pool does not have a monitor assigned to it, in this case a Blue Square would be shown since the status of its pool members is unknown as long as the backend server is alive.