virtual server
74 Topicsf5 LTM, Time out issue.
We have a virtual server, VS IP ( Service port (9080) Also we have two nodes for the nodes we have set load balancing method (least connection members), When we request traffic, after some time, it times out on my screen. However, when we disable one node, it works fine. kindly suggest me thanks122Views0likes2CommentsiRule for load balancing to different virtual server depending on the URI path
Hi Guys, I have three Virtual Server to be configured on our LTM's which are running on the version 15.1.7. One virtual server is facing to client (let say VS-A) and contains two virtual server (let say VS-B and VS-C) that should be load balance. VS-B and VS-C need to load balance on the VS-A but the incoming traffic should be clasify use the uri /path. The conditions like this: if the uri contains /aa, /bb, /cc will be forward and load balance to VS-B and VS-VS-C. I tried to make irules like this: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] contains "/aa,/bb,/cc" } { virtual VS_B } else { virtual VS_C } } But the results is traffic from the client always going to the VS-B, so the load balancing doesn't have running. I don't know it can be configured with the iRules or not, since I am not an expert in writing the iRules can anyone suggest me with the iRules that helps working the VIP as mentioned above. Appreciate any kind your insight. Thanks658Views0likes7CommentsBIG-IP : http profile : insert x-forwarded-for : enabled
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition v11.4.1 (Build 635.0) LTM on ESXi HTTP Profile Insert X-Forwarded-For : Enabled Suppose the client has already added the "X-Forwarded-For" header value to the request. How will BIG-IP behave ? Will it leave the existing header value intact ? Or will it overwrite the value with what it believes to be the request client ip ? Further, at what point in request-processing does the insert/replace header operation occur ? Does it occur before iRule processing so that the header value is available within the iRule event processing when HTTP_REQUEST {} ?752Views0likes7CommentsChanging Virtual Server's Access Profile with TMSH w/o Knowing Its Current Value
I am trying to use tmsh to change the Access Profile that is assigned to a given virtual server without knowing its current value. In the f5 Console GUI this is straightforward. When you navigate to Local traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List and click on a given virtual server, you can then scroll down and change the Access Profile assigned to that virtual server in the dropdown next to "Access Profile", click update, and you're done ... no need to know what the access profile was set to beforehang, you can just change the dropdown next to the "Access Profile" label. However, when I'm performing the same action using a tmsh command, I seem to have to know the value that assigned Access Profile is currently set to in order to be able to delete the profile out of that virtual server's properties and add in my new one. Here is the tmsh command I'm using ... modify ltm virtual MY_VIRTUAL_SERVER profiles add {ACCESS_PROFILE_NEW} profiles delete {ACCESS_PROFILE_ORIG} My point is that I need to know that the access profile is set to ACCESS_PROFILE_ORIG before issuing this command to reassign the access profile value. Is there any way to just have tmsh somehow detect what the access profile is set to and then delete it?1KViews0likes20CommentsiControl with Java - Retrieve List of Virtual Servers does not include Applications
Hi, i connect to the F5 using the Java Wrapper API; Now, when i get the list of Virtual-Servers via iControlInterfaces.getLocalLBVirtualServer().get_list() it only returns the virtual servers that are not created with an application (i.e. with the f5.microsoft_exchange_2010_2013_cas template). I could not find any way to further "open" the list; How can i retrieve these too? Many thanks in advance! Rene434Views0likes3CommentsAttaching w3c iRule to VS
Hi, I'm in midst of preparation to attach w3c iRule to all the VS in my internet facing BIGIP. I would be attaching to all the VS with http profile. But just wondering, if there would be any impact on the configuration (or change in Properties of VS) when I attach the iRule in question to the VS. Please confirm. Thanks, MSK179Views0likes1CommentQuestion on Priority Group Activation
Hi, I want to make my virtual server with 9 pool member automatically disabled when four of its pool member are down. Can I achieve this with below settings : 1. Put all the pool members to the same priority group for example 5 2. Under Priority Group Activation, I would select 6 viz., traffic should be processed by the pool members of group 5 till the pool have 6 minimum active members failing which the group shall not process the traffic. Now, as all the pool members belong to same priority group 5 and when PGA conditions fails would the virtual server would be down as there are no more pool members to accept the traffic ?? Please provide your inputs. Thanks, MSK202Views0likes1CommentMaintenance page using iFiles
Hi, I'm trying to setup a maintenance page using iFiles. I have gone through the below link and configured iFiles, iFiles List and created an irule as mentioned below, iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/" } { HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get api_asia_html] } else { discard } } However, after attaching the above iRule I cannot access the virtual server as it gets timed out. Not sure if I'm missing something in my irule, which calls an html page with images already embedded. Can anyone please verify my irule and let me know what I'm missing, so that anyone accessing this virtual server should see maintenance window page. Thanks in advance, MSKSolved1.1KViews0likes10Commentstraffic-group has failover object that doesn't exist in "Virtual Servers" tab
Hi, I noticed that there is a failover object in the traffic group that doesn't exist in the "virtual servers" tab. I went to tmsh and ran the following. list ltm virtual-address x.x.x.145 ltm virtual-address x.x.x.145 { address x.x.x.145 mask traffic-group traffic-group-1 } Can someone explain why I'm seeing this VS? Is there away to get the name of it to see if it should be there or not?261Views0likes2CommentsBIG-IP : iRule event appropriate to log final pool destination
F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition v11.4.1 (Build 635.0) LTM on ESXi For a virtual-server assigned a complex stack of iRules, I need to log the final route destination pool ( if any ). So, this would the final pool set within any event ( i'm not clear on whether destination pool can be set in events other than HTTP_REQUEST ) : pool my-pool-nn Does BIG-IP provide an event that fires only after processing has completed for all HTTP_REQUEST events processed in an iRule stack ? LB_SELECTED seems promising - but this event only fire afte all HTTP_REQUEST event processing has completed ? NOTE: the virtual-server does not have an assigned OneConnect profile564Views0likes19Comments