Forum Discussion

Petr_Kocian's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 12, 2016

SNMP traps sent only in v2c, not in v3



I have this setup: BIG-IP v12.0.0, 1x SNMP Traps destination for version 2c, 1x SNMP Traps destination for version 3. My BIG-IP does not send traps in version 3. Version 2c traps are sent only.


I captured packets by tcpdump and there are only packets for version 2c.


I did not make any modification of /etc/alertd/alert.conf nor /config/user_alert.conf


Have you please any advice what's wrong?


  • I have another 2 devices where snmpv3 is runing fine. On theese devices there are 1 snmp v2 destination and 2 snmpv3 destination. I checked configuration several times for any mistake. Configuration is the same (detination, auth, privacy, protocol, and port also.)


  • eneR's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Do you also have other devices where snmp v3 is running fine?


    Have you checked the trap destination settings for any mistake?


    Correct security level and auth protocol configured?