Need to upgrade from 15.1.4 should we go to 16 or 17?
We are currently running version 15.1.4 and we are about to upgrade. I'm thinking we need to just bump up to either 16 or 17 at this point. Are there any concerns or reasons why we should maybe choose 16 over 17? Are there are issues when upgrading from 15.1.4 to 16.1.3? Or will it be just like a regular upgrade I do from minor revisions with 15? (load new image, reboot device on new image, etc). I'm hesitant to move to with it being so new.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Hi SteveEason , I wouldn't recommend the 17.0 release and wait for 17.1
The .1 signifies that it is a Long Term Support release (as per
There are a lot of factors that can affect this but I would broadly recommend considering 16.1.3. You can upgrade directly from 15.1.4
Of course, be sure to check release notes and test upgrades using Lab Editions to minimize any issues that may arise.