modify ltm virtual VS disabled
I would think this would be a simple fix? would like to disable a VS "test" with tmsh
tmsh modify ltm virtual test disabled
when this is performed this command shows it is disabled: ltm virtual test { destination disabled ip-protocol tcp mask pool QASSM1_Pool profiles { tcp { } } } however this command shows state enabled: tmsh show ltm virtual test
Ltm::Virtual Server: test
Status Availability : available State : enabled Reason : The virtual server is available CMP : enabled CMP Mode : all-cpus
if i go into the GUI and refresh the VS list it will then go disabled "black" likewise the tmsh show virtual test will then show state disabled. Same is true when enabled when disabled.
I've tried the following: tmsh modify /ltm virtual test disabled save sys config partitions all tmsh load sys config
even this will then enable the test VS so not sure what I am missing. Appreciate any ideas.
it seems okay here. i am running 11.5.1.
root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm virtual bar ltm virtual bar { destination disabled ip-protocol tcp mask pool foo profiles { http { } tcp { } } source source-address-translation { type automap } vs-index 46 } root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show ltm virtual bar ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ltm::Virtual Server: bar ------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Availability : unknown State : disabled Reason : The children pool member(s) either don't have service checking enabled, or service check results are not available yet CMP : enabled CMP Mode : all-cpus Destination : Traffic ClientSide Ephemeral General Bits In 10.4G 0 - Bits Out 195.8M 0 - Packets In 884.9K 0 - Packets Out 470.4K 0 - Current Connections 0 0 - Maximum Connections 2 0 - Total Connections 43 0 - Min Conn Duration/msec - - 5 Max Conn Duration/msec - - 21.3K Mean Conn Duration/msec - - 2.9K Total Requests - - 12 SYN Cookies Status not-activated Hardware SYN Cookie Instances 0 Software SYN Cookie Instances 0 Current SYN Cache 0 SYN Cache Overflow 0 Total Software 0 Total Software Accepted 0 Total Software Rejected 84 Total Hardware 0 Total Hardware Accepted 0 CPU Usage Ratio (%) Last 5 Seconds 0 Last 1 Minute 0 Last 5 Minutes 0