Forum Discussion

Vikneswaran_709's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2017

Mapping of SSL Certificate, Key & Chain

I have a requirement to get the mapping of Certificate, Key & Chain for a profile. As i have many numbers of profile, is there a way to get a report from f5 LTM which is running on 12.1.2


  • Yeah, You can use basic unix command in

    . Below command will help you to publish output & play in excel sheet.

    Command will pull value SSL-Profile name , Cert, Key, Chain_cert

    tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl one-line | awk '{print $4" " $9" " $19" " $17}'

    Hope it will work for you.

  • Yeah, You can use basic unix command in

    . Below command will help you to publish output & play in excel sheet.

    Command will pull value SSL-Profile name , Cert, Key, Chain_cert

    tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl one-line | awk '{print $4" " $9" " $19" " $17}'

    Hope it will work for you.