Forum Discussion
May 16, 2012LoadBalance between the 2 Virtual IP via 3rd Virtual IP
I'm new to LoadBalancer thing and trying to sort out a problem. We have users from 2 different region accessing application server. Say User from Region A will access server via VIP 10.223.9.x and user from Region B via 10.223.11.x VIP. I want have all the user accessing same VIP and LoadBalance between two VIP. I can create new VIP "10.223.30.x" and all the user will be accessing this one and let the BigiP load balance between two Virtual IP. Is it possible to do that, if so how can I accomplish this?
- nitass
you can create pool with 2 members; 10.223.9.x and 10.223.11.x. then create virtual server listening on 10.223.30.x and assign the pool to it. - Ganesh_Balasubr
I've tried that, but it's not working to me. I created a new pool and added VIP's 10.223.9.x and 10.223.11.x in a POOL. Then created a new virtual IP and gave this as Default Pool. When I try to connect to server from new VIP, it's not getting me the page and states page cannot be displayed. - nitass
did you enable snat automap under virtual server setting? - Ganesh_Balasubr
I've left the SNAT Pool to default NONE. I'm setting it to Automap now. Can you tell me what it does? - nitass
Can you tell me what it does?without snat, when bigip sends traffic to pool member (server), source ip won't be changed. if pool member's default gateway is not bigip or pool member and client are in the same subnet, pool member will response client directly which could cause an issue since client would expect response from virtual server ip instead of pool member ip. - John_Alam_45640Historic F5 AccountYou cannot use a virtual as a pool member on the same BigIP LTM. (though the GUI allows it)
- Ganesh_Balasubr
Hi Nitass, - Ganesh_Balasubr
John, - John_Alam_45640Historic F5 AccountGanesh
- Ganesh_Balasubr
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