Forum Discussion
May 17, 2012Nimbostratus
As you pointed, If I create a Pool of VIP and add it to another Virtual IP (as Global IP) pages are not rendering. I'm able to access the page only if I access the VIP directly. My scenario or requirement is like this
We have users across Geography, like we have users accessing server from California, NewYork, Chicago and so on. We have one BackEnd server with multiple Application/FrontEnd server which users will be connecting. Users from california wil be accessing VIP say, new york users VIP is 10.223.11.x and Chicago users VIP is 10.223.30.x. Our condition is to have all the users access same address which is GLOBAL VIP and route the traffic to this VIP, so if chicago server is down they can still reach to california or Newyork since everyone accessing GLOABL VIP, also when people travel they don't need to change the address.
Currently, I'm not able to access the page from Global or the 3rd VIP. All the servers and client where in kind of same subnet, so I cannot create rule based on IP.. All I need is to access these VIP's in a roundrobin fashion through common VIP or by any means.
I appreciate all your help on this