Forum Discussion
May 16, 2012Nimbostratus
I've tried that, but it's not working to me. I created a new pool and added VIP's 10.223.9.x and 10.223.11.x in a POOL. Then created a new virtual IP and gave this as Default Pool. When I try to connect to server from new VIP, it's not getting me the page and states page cannot be displayed.
I suspect the problem is between the External and Internal VLAN configuration. In my LB, the external VLAN ip is 10.223.9.x series which is exposed to external users and internal is 192.168.x. All my servers are installed and running in this internal ip series only. So when I access through single VIP, which in turn directly contacts the server (through default pool) hence renders the page. But when I bring in additional VIP and add the VIP's as default pool to it, it's not working.
In order to verify, I had my server installed in series itself. In the LB created a VIP and added this node to it. When I access it doesn't brings me the page. So will BIG ip will not work when server installed in External ip VLAN