Forum Discussion

Nitesh's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Aug 20, 2021

Is InterVLAN Routing possible in F5


From below topology i want to ping from TEST_PC to firewall interface IP( From same TEST_PC i can ping WEB_SERVER. I am not sure why ping to firewall is not working. I have ping policy associated with Firewall interface. Reverse routing is in place on firewall pointing towards HA IP( Is InterVLAN routing even possible in LB ?




  • Instead of "destination" use "". This creates a full router without filter on source or destination IPs. The kernel's routing table is used to forward traffic.

  • It started working after doing below config. But i couldn't ping to 172.16.1.x from 172.16.2.x. I tried changing destination ip to or but it didnt work.


    ltm virtual Forwading_VS_MGMTPC {

       creation-time 2021-08-20:21:22:48



       ip-protocol tcp

       last-modified-time 2021-08-21:10:00:37


       profiles {

           fastL4 { }


       serverssl-use-sni disabled


       source-address-translation {

           type automap


       translate-address disabled

       translate-port disabled

       vs-index 6



  • Ho to configure Forwading VIP such as i can ping any IP addresses ? Futhermore i believe AutoMap doesn't play any role in Forwading VS. I tried packet capture and could see same source and dest ip. Source IP not getting translated.

    • Mike757's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Instead of "destination" use "". This creates a full router without filter on source or destination IPs. The kernel's routing table is used to forward traffic.

      • CA_Valli's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        This should work. F5 is a default-deny device meaning all traffic that does not match a Listener (Virtual Server in this case) or an active connection in table will be dropped.


        To route packets, as Mike said, you will need to configure a VS with target network as your destination address. This can be anything, from a single IP to a network to that will match all traffic. If you want to filter which clients can talk with said network, you can modify "source" and "VLAN" options so that only clients whose traffic comes from a specific netowrk or on a specific VLAN will match the Routing VS.


        AutoMap will NAT your Client IP with F5 self-ip address on the VLAN where traffic is routed. For non-connected networks you should specify routes in Network>Routes section. You can confirm which interface is used for egress with bash command "ip route get x.x.x.x"