BIG-IP Next: iRules pool routing
If you use routing in iRules with the pool command in BIG-IP and you’re starting to kick the tires on BIG-IP Next in your lab environments, please note the pool reference is not just the pool name. For example, in classic BIG-IP, if I had a pool named myPool then the command in my iRule would just be pool myPool. In BIG-IP Next (as of this publish date, they are working on restoring the relative path) you will need these additional details:
- Tenant Name
- Application Name
- Pool Service Name
The format for the pool reference is then:
pool /app/myTenantName:ApplicationName/pool/PoolServiceName
Consider this partial AS3 declaration (stripped down to the necessary lines for brevity):
"class": "ADC",
"tenant2zBLVQCbR2unEw5ge6nVrQ": {
"class": "Tenant",
"testapp1": {
"class": "Application",
"pool_reference_test_7_testvip1": {
"class": "iRule",
"iRule": {
"base64": ""
"testpool1": {
"class": "Pool"
"testpool2": {
"class": "Pool"
"testpool2_service": {
"class": "Service_Pool",
"pool": "testpool2"
"testpool3": {
"class": "Pool"
"testpool3_service": {
"class": "Service_Pool",
"pool": "testpool3"
"testvip1": {
"class": "Service_HTTP",
"iRules": [
"pool": "testpool1",
"virtualAddresses": [
"virtualPort": 80
In this case, there is a default pool (testpool1) attached to the virtual server, but the ones that will require routing in the iRule, testpool2 and testpool3, are not attached. They are mapped in the Service_Pool classes though, and that's what we need for the iRule. From this declaration, we need:
- Tenant Name: tenant2zBLVQCbR2unEw5ge6nVrQ
- Application Name: testapp1
- Service Pool Names: testpool2_service, testpool3_service
The original iRule then, as shown here:
if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/tp2" } {
pool testpool2
HTTP::uri /
} elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/tp3" } {
pool testpool3
HTTP::uri /
if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/tp2" } {
pool /app/tenant2zBLVQCbR2unEw5ge6nVrQ:testapp1/pool/testpool2_service
HTTP::uri /
} elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/tp3" } {
pool /app/tenant2zBLVQCbR2unEw5ge6nVrQ:testapp1/pool/testpool3_service
HTTP::uri /
When creating an application service in the Central Manager GUI, here’s the workflow I used:
- Create the application service without the iRule, but with whatever pools you’re going to route to so that the pools and pool services are defined.
- Validate the app and view results. This is where you’ll find your tenant and service pool names. The app’s name should be obvious as you set it!
- Go ahead and deploy; there isn’t a way here to save drafts currently.
- Create or edit the iRule with the pool format above with your details.
- Edit the deployment to reference your iRule (and the correct version), then redeploy.
This should get you where you need to be! Comment below or start a thread in the forums if you get stuck.
Thanks for the hint.
(as of this publish date, they are working on restoring the relative path)
I hope this is implemented soon.
Thanks Jason. I think I asked this question about a year ago. Seems I didn't ask it here or in the BIG-IP Next Academy group, but rather via email.
Finally this has been answered. One year later...