application delivery
2222 TopicsF5 Unveils New Built-In TCP Profiles
[Update 3/17: Some representative performance results are at the bottom] Longtime readers know that F5's built-in TCP profiles were in need of a refresh. I'm pleased to announce that in TMOS® version 13.0, available now, there are substantial improvements to the built-in profile scheme. Users expect defaults to reflect best common practice, and we've made a huge step towards that being true. New Built-in Profiles We've kept virtually all of the old built-in profiles, for those of you who are happy with them, or have built other profiles that derive from them. But there are four new ones to load directly into your virtual servers or use a basis for your own tuning. The first three are optimized for particular network use cases: f5-tcp-wan, f5-tcp-lan, and f5-tcp-mobile are updated versions of tcp-wan-optimized, tcp-lan-optimized, and tcp-mobile-optimized. These adapt all settings to the appropriate link types, except that they don't enable the very newest features. If the hosts you're communicating with tend to use one kind of link, these are a great choice. The fourth is f5-tcp-progressive. This is meant to be a general-use profile (like the tcp default), but it contains the very latest features for early adopters. In our benchmark testing, we had the following criteria: f5-tcp-wan, f5-tcp-lan, and f5-tcp-mobile achieved throughput at least as high, and often better, than the default tcp profile for that link type. f5-tcp-progressive had equal or higher throughput than default TCP across all representative network types. The relative performance of f5-tcp-wan/lan/mobile and progressive in each link type will vary given the new features that f5-tcp-progressive enables. Living, Read-Only Profiles These four new profiles, and the default 'tcp' profile, are now "living." This means that we'll continually update them with best practices as they evolve. Brand-new features, if they are generally applicable, will immediately appear in f5-tcp-progressive. For our more conservative users, these new features will appear in the other four living profiles after a couple of releases. The default tcp profile hasn't changed yet, but it will in future releases! These five profiles are also now read-only, meaning that to make modifications you'll have to create a new profile that descends from these. This will aid in troubleshooting. If there are any settings that you like so much that you never want them to change, simply click the "custom" button in the child profile and the changes we push out in the future won't affect your settings. How This Affects Your Existing Custom Profiles If you've put thought into your TCP profiles, we aren't going to mess with it. If your profile descends from any of the previous built-ins besides default 'tcp,' there is no change to settings whatsoever. Upgrades to 13.0 will automatically prevent disruptions to your configuration. We've copied all of the default tcp profile settings to tcp-legacy, which is not a "living" profile. All of the old built-in profiles (like tcp-wan-optimized), and any custom profiles descended from default tcp, will now descend instead from tcp-legacy, and never change due to upgrades from F5. tcp-legacy will also include any modifications you made to the default tcp profile, as this profile is not read-only. Our data shows that few, if any, users are using the current (TMOS 12.1 and before) tcp-legacy settings.If you are, it is wise to make a note of those settings before you upgrade. How This Affects Your Existing Virtual Servers As the section above describes, if your virtual server uses any profile other than default 'tcp' or tcp-legacy, there will be no settings change at all. Given the weaknesses of the current default settings, we believe most users who use virtuals with the TCP default are not carefully considering their settings. Those virtuals will continue to use the default profile, and therefore settings will begin to evolve as we modernize the default profile in 13.1 and later releases. If you very much like the default TCP profile, perhaps because you customized it when it wasn't read-only, you should manually change the virtual to use tcp-legacy with no change in behavior. Use the New Profiles for Better Performance The internet changes. Bandwidths increase, we develop better algorithms to automatically tune your settings, and the TCP standard itself evolves. If you use the new profile framework, you'll keep up with the state of the art and maximize the throughput your applications receive. Below, I've included some throughput measurements from our in-house testing. We used parameters representative of seven different link types and measured the throughput using some relevant built-in profiles. Obviously, the performance in your deployment may vary. Aside from LANs, where frankly tuning isn't all that hard, the benefits are pretty clear.4.6KViews1like10CommentsF5 BIG-IP deployment with Red Hat OpenShift - keeping client IP addresses and egress flows
Controlling the egress traffic in OpenShift allows to use the BIG-IP for several use cases: Keeping the source IP of the ingress clients Providing highly scalable SNAT for egress flows Providing security functionalities for egress flows351Views1like0CommentsExternal Monitor Information and Templates
This article is written by, and published on behalf of, DevCentral MVP Leonardo Souza. --- Introduction External monitors have been in use on F5 devices for a long time, and you can find a lot of code and articles about them here on DevCentral. However, most of those articles and code samples are very old and outdated. So, I think is a good time to update that with new information and new templates. In this article, I will provide some information about external monitors and templates you can use to build your own external monitor script and how you setup an external monitor. External Monitor The external monitor is a script that the F5 device will run to determine the status of a pool member (note: you can’t assign an external monitor to a node). The script runs the code and indicates if it was successful or not. The script indicates success outputting something to the standard output, and failure if nothing was outputted. The external monitor is your last resource in relation to monitoring, only to be used if there is no built-in monitoring that could be used to perform the monitoring. Built-in monitors are generally faster and easier to support as they do not require programming skills. External monitors run on Linux, while some built-in monitors can run on Linux or TMM. Linux is the kernel that CentOS uses, and CenOS is the base system that F5 uses, also known as the host system. TMM is the Kernel that F5 uses on TMOS, which is the F5 system. Running a built-in monitor in TMM is faster than in Linux. TMM monitors were introduced in version 13.1.0, for more information read this solution: Configuration Steps Note: Instructions are for version 15.1.0, but should be similar in other versions, and you only need to setup this configuration in one device if you have an HA pair, as the configuration is shared during the config sync. Let’s create a simple external monitor to ping a pool member. You can do via tmsh, but it is simpler via GUI. Download the following file: In the GUI go to System > File Management > External Monitor Program File List > Click Import. Select the file and give a name “simple_script” to the script, and import. That will import the file to the system, and make it available in the GUI. Now create a new monitor that points to the script file. In the GUI go to Local Traffic > Monitor > Click Create. Give the name “simple_monitor”, and select type as External. In the External Program select simple_script, click Finished. Now apply the new monitor to a pool member or pool. Here is the full configuration created: sys file external-monitor simple_script { checksum SHA1:817:01e135449c710e21dd090fdd688d940e319f97f5 create-time 2020-04-23:17:45:25 created-by admin last-update-time 2020-04-23:17:45:25 mode 33261 revision 1 size 817 source-path none updated-by admin } ltm monitor external simple_monitor { defaults-from external interval 5 run /Common/simple_script time-until-up 0 timeout 16 } ltm pool pool_asm { members { LABServerPHP:http { address session monitor-enabled state up } test_server:http { address session monitor-enabled state down } } monitor simple_monitor } The first part is the script imported to the system. Next, the monitor that was created. Lastly, a pool using that monitor, also showing that one pool member is up and another one is down. Templates You can write the script to be used in the external monitor in any language that is supported by the F5 devices. I created a template for each of the following languages: Bash Perl Python Tcl For the templates go to this codeshare link: External Monitor Templates | DevCentral On my speed tests, I got these times with the templates: Bash - 0.014 seconds Perl - 0.020 seconds Tcl - 0.021 seconds Python - 0.084 seconds As you can see, Bash is definitely the fastest. Perl and Tcl are very close, and Python is the slowest. But, you may need to use something that works very well in Python, so it might be your only option. Bash Template I will explain the Bash template, but the logic is the same for other programming languages. Each script has 2 versions, one with debug and one without, as indicated in their filename. I will explain the one with debug. This tells the system what to use to run the script. #!/bin/bash The script will be called with 2 arguments, first is the IP, and second the port. The IP is passed in IPv6 format, example “::ffff:”, so you need to remove “::ffff:” Old scripts, and also the sample_monitor script that comes in the system, use “sed 's/::ffff://'`” that are very slow compared with the above. ip=${1:7} port=$2 This will create a log line in the file /var/log/ltm. logger -p local0.notice "$MON_TMPL_NAME - PID: $$ Name: $NODE_NAME IP: $ip Port: $port" This is where you add your code to test the pool member. This example is just a ping against the IP, and the “-c1” means a single packet. The script then saves the result to know if it failed or not. Next, it will log another line to /var/log/ltm. ping -c1 $ip &> /dev/null result=$? logger -p local0.notice "$MON_TMPL_NAME - PID: $$ Result: $result" Lastly, the scripts check if the result was successful. If successful, it will send up to the standard output. [ $result -eq 0 ] && echo "up" The log lines will be similar to these ones. Apr 24 13:59:15 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[5178]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 5177 Name: /Common/test_server IP: Port: 80 Apr 24 13:59:18 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[5201]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 5200 Name: /Common/LABServerPHP IP: Port: 80 Apr 24 13:59:18 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[5203]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 5200 Result: 0 Apr 24 13:59:18 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[5209]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 5177 Result: 1 Note that the monitoring tests can run in parallel, so the lines will not be sequential. Use the PID number (Process ID), to match the lines. Old scripts, and also the sample_monitor script that comes in the system, have multiple lines of code to check if the same monitor is still running. If running, the new process kills the old one, before performing the monitoring. I tested this behavior in version 11.3.0 and 15.1.0, and this is not necessary. Before starting the new process for the script, the system will kill the old one, so any code in the script to control that is unnecessary as it will not be used. I assume this was necessary for old versions, as I never tested, but is not necessary for currently supported versions. Arguments and Variables The external monitor has multiple settings, including the ones you will find in any other monitor, like interval and timeout. However, it has 2 extra settings, those are arguments and variables. Arguments are passed when calling the script, for example: bash IP port argument3 Variables are set as environment variables. You can then access that variable in the script. Be aware that the system will add the variables from the monitor first, and then add some extra variables. The environment variables for version 11.3.0 are, with values as an example: MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/bash_external_monitor_template ARGS_I=2 3 abc X=b PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/contrib/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/libexec NODE_PORT=80 PWD=/var/run SHLVL=1 NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_NAME=/Common/test_server RUN_I=/Common/bash_external_monitor_template _=/bin/env ARGS_I will include the arguments you set in the monitor configuration, in this case, I have “2 3 abc”. X is the variable I added in the monitor configuration, with value “b”. That means you can use those variables in your script. Also, if you set the variable $PATH in your script as an example, it will get reset by the system, as the system variables are set after the monitor configuration variables. Let’s expand that with examples. Here is a monitor configuration with one argument and one variable. ltm monitor external simple_monitor { args 2 defaults-from external interval 5 run /Common/simple_script time-until-up 0 timeout 16 user-defined debug 1 } Here is the part of the script that changed: ping -c${3} $ip &> /dev/null result=$? [[ $debug -eq 1 ]] && logger -p local0.notice "$MON_TMPL_NAME - PID: $$ Result: $result Ping: ${3}" Now the script is using the argument 3 for the ping command, and the variable debug to define if log should occur. Let’s see the logs created: Apr 24 12:18:04 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[8179]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 8178 Name: /Common/test_server IP: Port: 80 Apr 24 12:18:06 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[8196]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 8195 Name: /Common/LABServerPHP IP: Port: 80 Apr 24 12:18:07 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[8206]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 8178 Result: 1 Ping: 2 Apr 24 12:18:07 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice logger[8208]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 8195 Result: 0 Ping: 2 Ping is done with 2 packets, and the second log line still logged. Testing the Script External scripts are saved in this location: /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/external_monitor_d That is for the Common partition, replace Common to the name of the partition if you import the script in another partition. The file will have an ID number (100479), and also a version number that changes when you update the file (19): :Common:simple_script_100479_19 That means you can go to that directory and run the script from there, and troubleshoot the errors. Don’t forget that when testing this way, you will not have the environment variables the system setup, you will have the environment variables from the shell where you run the command. Let’s test the simple simple_monitor discussed above. First, create the environment variables: export debug=1 MON_TMPL_NAME='/Common/simple_monitor' NODE_NAME='/Common/test_server' Run the script: ./\:Common\:simple_script_100479_22 '::ffff:' 80 2 You will get the following log lines: Apr 24 16:03:48 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice root[12206]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 12205 Name: /Common/test_server IP: Port: 80 Apr 24 16:03:49 LABBIGIP1.lab.local notice root[12224]: /Common/simple_monitor - PID: 12205 Result: 0 Ping: 2 You need to escape the “:” with \. After you do the tests, delete the environment variables created: unset debug MON_TMPL_NAME NODE_NAME Conclusion I hope this article provides you all the information you need to create your own external monitor. After you understand how it works, it is very simple to use. Just don’t forget, no “echo down”, only output something when the monitor was successful, and make sure you suppress any command output.4.2KViews1like0CommentsF5 AI Gateway - Secure, Deliver and Optimize GenAI Apps
AI has revolutionized industries by automating tasks, enabling data-driven decisions, and enhancing efficiency and innovation. While it offers businesses a competitive edge by streamlining operations and improving customer experiences, it also introduces risks such as security vulnerabilities, data breaches, and cost challenges. Businesses must adopt robust cybersecurity measures and carefully manage AI investments to balance benefits with risks. F5 provides comprehensive controls to protect AI and IT infrastructures, ensuring sustainable growth in an AI-driven world. Welcome to F5 AI Gateway - a runtime security and traffic governance solution355Views3likes0CommentsF5 BIG-IP and NetApp StorageGRID - Providing Fast and Scalable S3 API for AI apps
F5 BIG-IP, an industry-leading ADC solution, can provide load balancing services for HTTPS servers, with full security applied in-flight and performance levels to meet any enterprise’s capacity targets. Specific to S3 API, the object storage and retrieval protocol that rides upon HTTPS, an aligned partnering solution exists from NetApp, which allows a large-scale set of S3 API targets to ingest and provide objects. Automatic backend synchronization allows any node to be offered up at a target by a server load balancer like BIG-IP. This allows overall storage node utilization to be optimized across the node set, and scaled performance to reach the highest S3 API bandwidth levels, all while offering high availability to S3 API consumers. S3 compatible storage is becoming popular for AI applications due to its superior performance over traditional protocols such as NFS or CIFS, as well as enabling repatriation of data from the cloud to on-prem. These are scenarios where the amount of data faced is large, this drives the requirement for new levels of scalability and performance; S3 compatible object storages such as NetApp StorageGRID are purpose-built to reach such levels. Sample BIG-IP and StorageGRID Configuration This document is based upon tests and measurements using the following lab configuration. All devices in the lab were virtual machine-based offerings. The S3 service to be projected to the outside world, depicted in the above diagram and delivered to the client via the external network, will use a BIG-IP virtual server (VS) which is tied to an origin pool of three large-capacity StorageGRID nodes. The BIG-IP maintains the integrity of the NetApp nodes by frequent HTTP-based health checks. Should an unhealthy node be detected, it will be dropped from the list of active pool members. When content is written via the S3 protocol to any node in the pool, the other members are synchronized to serve up content should they be selected by BIG-IP for future read requests. The key recommendations and observations in building the lab include: Setup a local certificate authority such that all nodes can be trusted by the BIG-IP. Typically the local CA-signed certificate will incorporate every node’s FQDN and IP address within the listed subject alternate names (SAN) to make the backend solution streamlined with one single certificate. Different F5 profiles, such as FastL4 or FastHTTP, can be selected to reach the right tradeoff between the absolute capacity of stateful traffic load-balanced versus rich layer 7 functions like iRules or authentication. Modern techniques such as multi-part uploads or using HTTP Ranges for downloads can take large objects, and concurrently move smaller pieces across the load balancer, lowering total transaction times, and spreading work over more CPU cores. The S3 protocol, at its core, is a set of REST API calls. To facilitate testing, the widely used S3Browser ( was used to quickly and intuitively create S3 buckets on the NetApp offering and send/retrieve objects (files) through the BIG-IP load balancer. Setup the BIG-IP and StorageGrid Systems The StorageGrid solution is an array of storage nodes, provisioned with the help of an administrative host, the “Grid Manager”. For interactive users, no thick client is required as on-board web services allow a streamlined experience all through an Internet browser. The following is an example of Grid Manager, taken from a Chrome browser; one sees the three Storage Nodes setup have been successfully added. The load balancer, in our case, the BIG-IP, is set up with a virtual server to support HTTPS traffic and distributed that traffic, which is S3 object storage traffic, to the three StorageGRID nodes. The following screenshot demonstrates that the BIG-IP is setup in a standard HA (active-passive pair) configuration and the three pool members are healthy (green, health checks are fine) and receiving/sending S3 traffic, as the byte counts are seen in the image to be non-zero. On the internal side of the BIG-IP, TCP port 18082 is being used for S3 traffic. To do testing of the solution, including features such as multi-part uploads and downloads, a popular S3 tool, S3Browser, was downloaded and used. The following shows the entirety of the S3Browser setup. Simply create an account (StorageGRID-Account-01 in our example) and point the REST API endpoint at the BIG-IP Virtual Server that is acting as the secure front door for our pool of NetApp nodes. The S3 Access Key ID and Secret values are generated at turn-up time of the NetApp appliances. All S3 traffic will, of course, be SSL/TLS encrypted. BIG-IP will intercept the SSL traffic (high-speed decrypt) and then re-encrypt when proxying the traffic to a selected origin pool member. Other valid load balancer setups exist; one might include an “off load” approach to SSL, whereby the S3 nodes safely co-located in a data center may prefer to receive non-SSL HTTP S3 traffic. This may see an overall performance improvement in terms of peak bandwidth per storage node, but this comes at the tradeoff of security considerations. Experimenting with S3 Protocol and Load Balancing With all the elements in place to start understanding the behavior of S3 and spreading traffic across NetApp nodes, a quick test involved creating a S3 bucket and placing some objects in that new bucket. Buckets are logical collections of objects, conceptually not that different from folders or directories in file systems. In fact, a S3 bucket could even be mounted as a folder in an operating system such as Linux. In their simplest form, most commonly, buckets can simply serve as high-capacity, performant storage and retrieval targets for similarly themed structured or unstructured data. In the first test, we created a new bucket (“audio-clip-bucket”) and uploaded four sample files to the new bucket using S3Browser. We then zeroed the statistics for each pool member on the BIG-IP, to see if even this small upload would spread S3 traffic across more than a single NetApp device. Immediately after the upload, the counters reflect that two StorageGRID nodes were selected to receive S3 transactions. Richly detailed, per-transaction visibility can be obtained by leveraging the F5 SSL Orchestrator (SSLO) feature on the BIG-IP, whereby copies of the bi-directional S3 traffic decrypted within the load balancer can be sent to packet loggers, analytics tools, or even protocol analyzers like Wireshark. The BIG-IP also has an onboard analytics tool, Application Visibility and Reporting (AVR) which can provide some details on the nuances of the S3 traffic being proxied. AVR demonstrates the following characteristics of the above traffic, a simple bucket creation and upload of 4 objects. With AVR, one can see the URL values used by S3, which include the bucket name itself as well as transactions incorporating the object names as URLs. Also, the HTTP methods used included both GETS and PUTS. The use of HTTP PUT is expected when creating a new bucket. S3 is not governed by a typical standards body document, such as an IETF Request for Comment (RFC), but rather has evolved out of AWS and their use of S3 since 2006. For details around S3 API characteristics and nomenclature, this site can be referenced. For example, the expected syntax for creating a bucket is provided, including the fact that it should be an HTTP PUT to the root (/) URL target, with the bucket configuration parameters including name provided within the HTTP transaction body. Achieving High Performance S3 with BIG-IP and StorageGRID A common concern with protocols, such as HTTP, is head-of-line blocking, where one large, lengthy transaction blocks subsequent desired, queued transactions. This is one of the reasons for parallelism in HTTP, where loading 30 or more objects to paint a web page will often utilize two, four, or even more concurrent TCP sessions. Another performance issue when dealing with very large transactions is, without parallelism, even those most performant networks will see an established TCP session reach a maximum congestion window (CWND) where no more segments may be in flight until new TCP ACKs arrive back. Advanced TCP options like TCP exponential windowing or TCP SACK can help, but regardless of this, the achievable bandwidth of any one TCP session is bounded and may also frequently task only one core in multi-core CPUs. With the BIG-IP serving as the intermediary, large S3 transactions may default to “multi-part” uploads and downloads. The larger objects become a series of smaller objects that conveniently can be load-balanced by BIG-IP across the entire cluster of NetApp nodes. As displayed in the following diagram, we are asking for multi-part uploads to kick in for objects larger than 5 megabytes. After uploading a 20-megabyte file (technically, 20,000,000 bytes) the BIG-IP shows the traffic distributed across multiple NetApp nodes to the tune of 160.9 million bits. The incoming bits, incoming from the perspective of the origin pool members, confirm the delivery of the object with a small amount of protocol overhead (bits divided by eight to reach bytes). The value of load balancing manageable chunks of very large objects will pay dividends over time with faster overall transaction completion times due to the spreading of traffic across NetApp nodes, more TCP sessions reaching high congestion window values, and no single-core bottle necks in multicore equipment. Tuning BIG-IP for High Performance S3 Service Delivery The F5 BIG-IP offers a set of different profiles it can run its Local Traffic Manager (LTM) module in accordance with; LTM is the heart of the server load balancing function. The most performant profile in terms of attainable traffic load is the “FastL4” profile. This, and other profiles such as “OneConnect” or “FastHTTP”, can be tied to a virtual server, and details around each profile can be found here within the BIG-IP GUI: The FastL4 profile can increase virtual server performance and throughput for supported platforms by using the embedded Packet Velocity Acceleration (ePVA) chip to accelerate traffic. The ePVA chip is a hardware acceleration field programmable gate array (FPGA) that delivers high-performance L4 throughput by offloading traffic processing to the hardware acceleration chip. The BIG-IP makes flow acceleration decisions in software and then offloads eligible flows to the ePVA chip for that acceleration. For platforms that do not contain the ePVA chip, the system performs acceleration actions in software. Software-only solutions can increase performance in direct relationship to the hardware offered by the underlying host. As examples of BIG-IP virtual edition (VE) software running on mid-grade hardware platforms, results with Dell can be found here and similar experiences with HPE Proliant platforms are here. One thing to note about FastL4 as the profile to underpin a performance mode BIG-IP virtual server is that it is layer 4 oriented. For certain features that involve layer 7 HTTP related fields, such as using iRules to swap HTTP headers or perform HTTP authentication, a different profile might be more suitable. A bonus of FastL4 are some interesting specific performance features catering to it. In the BIG-IP version 17 release train, there is a feature to quickly tear down, with no delay, TCP sessions no longer required. Most TCP stacks implement TCP “2MSL” rules, where upon receiving and sending TCP FIN messages, the socket enters a lengthy TCP “TIME_WAIT” state, often minutes long. This stems back to historically bad packet loss environments of the very early Internet. A concern was high latency and packet loss might see incoming packets arrive at a target very late, and the TCP state machine would be confused if no record of the socket still existed. As such, the lengthy TIME_WAIT period was adopted even though this is consuming on-board resources to maintain the state. With FastL4, the “fast” close with TCP reset option now exists, such that any incoming TCP FIN message observed by BIG-IP will result in TCP RESETS being sent to both endpoints, normally bypassing TIME_WAIT penalties. OneConnect and FastHTTP Profiles As mentioned, other traffic profiles on BIG-IP are directed towards Layer 7 and HTTP features. One interesting profile is F5’s “OneConnect”. The OneConnect feature set works with HTTP Keep-Alives, which allows the BIG-IP system to minimize the number of server-side TCP connections by making existing connections available for reuse by other clients. This reduces, among other things, excessive TCP 3-way handshakes (Syn, Syn-Ack, Ack) and mitigates the small TCP congestion windows that new TCP sessions start with and only increases with successful traffic delivery. Persistent server-side TCP connections ameliorate this. When a new connection is initiated to the virtual server, if an existing server-side flow to the pool member is idle, the BIG-IP system applies the OneConnect source mask to the IP address in the request to determine whether it is eligible to reuse the existing idle connection. If it is eligible, the BIG-IP system marks the connection as non-idle and sends a client request over it. If the request is not eligible for reuse, or an idle server-side flow is not found, the BIG-IP system creates a new server-side TCP connection and sends client requests over it. The last profile considered is the “Fast HTTP” profile. The Fast HTTP profile is designed to speed up certain types of HTTP connections and again strives to reduce the number of connections opened to the back-end HTTP servers. This is accomplished by combining features from the TCP, HTTP, and OneConnect profiles into a single profile that is optimized for network performance. A resulting high performance HTTP virtual server processes connections on a packet-by-packet basis and buffers only enough data to parse packet headers. The performance HTTP virtual server TCP behavior operates as follows: the BIG-IP system establishes server-side flows by opening TCP connections to pool members. When a client makes a connection to the performance HTTP virtual server, if an existing server-side flow to the pool member is idle, the BIG-IP LTM system marks the connection as non-idle and sends a client request over the connection. Summary The NetApp StorageGRID multi-node S3 compatible object storage solution fits well with a high-performance server load balancer, thus making the F5 BIG-IP a good fit. S3 protocol can itself be adjusted to improve transaction response times, such as through the use of multi-part uploads and downloads, amplifying the default load balancing to now spread even more traffic chunks over many NetApp nodes. BIG-IP has numerous approaches to configuring virtual servers, from highest performance L4-focused profiles to similar offerings that retain L7 HTTP awareness. Lab testing was accomplished using the S3Browser utility and results of traffic flows were confirmed with both the standard BIG-IP GUI and the additional AVR analytics module, which provides additional protocol insight.570Views3likes0CommentsAPI Security: How to implement API Access Control with F5
Per Gartner, API Security comprises two aspects: API Threat Protection and API Access Control. API Threat Protection is addressed with measures such as API L7 firewall, bot protection, DDoS mitigation, etc. API Access Control is most comprehensively addressed via OAuth 2.0. This article will see our attention focused on API Access Control, and how F5 APM can be leverage for this universal challenge when protecting API.5.4KViews5likes1CommentHow I did it - “Delivering Kasm Workspaces three ways”
Securing modern, containerized platforms like Kasm Workspaces requires a robust and multi-faceted approach to ensure performance, reliability, and data protection. In this edition of "How I did it" we'll see how F5 technologies can enhance the security and scalability of Kasm Workspaces deployments.311Views2likes0CommentsInstalling and Locking a Specific Version of F5 NGINX Plus
A guide for installing and locking a specific version of NGINX Plus to ensure stability, meet internal policies, and prepare for controlled upgrades. Introduction The most common way to install F5 NGINX Plus is by using the package manager tool native to your Linux host (e.g., yum, apt-get, etc.). By default, the package manager installs the latest available version of NGINX Plus. However, there may be scenarios where you need to install an earlier version. To help you modify your automation scripts, we’ve provided example commands for selecting a specific version. Common Scenarios for Installing an Earlier Version of NGINX Plus Your internal policy requires sticking to internally tested versions before deploying the latest release. You prefer to maintain consistency by using the same version across your entire fleet for simplicity. You’d like to verify and meet additional requirements introduced in a newer release (e.g., NGINX Plus Release 33) before upgrading. Commands for Installing and Holding a Specific Version of NGINX Plus Use the following commands based on your Linux distribution to install and lock a prior version of NGINX Plus: Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 LTS sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y nginx-plus=<VERSION> sudo apt-mark hold nginx-plus Debian 11, 12 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y nginx-plus=<VERSION> sudo apt-mark hold nginx-plus AlmaLinux 8, 9 / Rocky Linux 8, 9 / Oracle Linux 8.1+, 9 / RHEL 8.1+, 9 sudo yum install -y nginx-plus-<VERSION> sudo yum versionlock nginx-plus Amazon Linux 2 LTS, 2023 sudo yum install -y nginx-plus-<VERSION> sudo yum versionlock nginx-plus SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, 15 SP5+ sudo zypper install nginx-plus=<VERSION> sudo zypper addlock nginx-plus Alpine Linux 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20 apk add nginx-plus=<VERSION> echo "nginx-plus hold" | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/world FreeBSD 13, 14 pkg install nginx-plus-<VERSION> pkg lock nginx-plus Notes Replace <VERSION> with the desired version (e.g., 32-2*). After installation, verify the installed version with the command: nginx -v. Holding or locking the package ensures it won’t be inadvertently upgraded during routine updates. Conclusion Installing and locking a specific version of NGINX Plus ensures stability, compliance with internal policies, and proper validation of new features before deployment. By following the provided commands tailored to your Linux distribution, you can confidently maintain control over your infrastructure while minimizing the risk of unintended upgrades. Regularly verifying the installed version and holding updates will help ensure consistency and reliability across your environments.167Views0likes0CommentsF5 Distributed Cloud JA4 detection for enhanced performance and detection
JA4+ is a suite of network fingerprinting methods. These methods are both human and machine readable to facilitate more effective threat-hunting and analysis. The use cases for these fingerprints include scanning for threat actors, malware detection, session hijacking prevention, compliance automation, location tracking, DDoS detection, grouping of threat actors, reverse shell detection, and many more. Introduction In a previous article, Identity-Aware decisions with JA4+ we discussed using JA4 fingerprints with BIG-IP. In this article, we are exploring the use of JA4 in F5 Distributed Cloud. A very useful use case for using JA4 in F5 Distributed Cloud is explained at F5 App Connect and NetApp S3 Storage – Secured Scalable AI RAG. Let's go through the steps of getting the JA4 fingerprints applied to a traffic sample. Implementation In this example we are using NGINX instance deployed via F5 Distributed Cloud Distributed Apps. Deploy Virtual K8s through Distributed Apps. Create service policy with the matching JA4 fingerprints to block. JA4 Database can be found over here JA4 Database Service policy creation From Distributed Cloud UI > Distributed Apps > Manage > Service Policies > Service Policies Add Service Policy Add name: ja4-service-policy Under rules, select Custom rules and then click configure Click Add item Update the below, Add name, Actions. Show advanced fields in the client section. TLS Fingerprint Matcher: JA4 TLS Fingerprint Click Configure JA4 TLS Fingerprint Click Add item and match the needed JA4 fingerprint. In our case, we are blocking curl, wget fingerprints. Click Apply, to save, then Save, and Exit. Now, we attach the service policy to our HTTP Load balancer. Manage > HTTP Loadbalancer > Click Manage configurations Click Edit Configurations At Common Security Controls section, Select Apply Service Policies and click Edit Configurations. Select the configured policy, then Apply. Testing From Firefox browser From Ubuntu using curl Observing logs from F5 Distributed Cloud From HTTP Loadbalancers > select the created loadbalancer and click Security Monitoring Click Security Events to check the requests You can see the events with the requests and client information From Action column, you can select Explain with AI to gain further information and recommendations. We have the service policy configured and attached. It can be attached as well to different component for client identification as well. Related Content F5 App Connect and NetApp S3 Storage – Secured Scalable AI RAG | DevCentral Fingerprint TLS Clients with JA4 on F5 BIG-IP using iRules JA4 Part 2: Detecting and Mitigating Based on Dynamic JA4 Reputation | DevCentral Identity-Aware decisions with JA4+ | DevCentral Setting Up A Basic Customer Edge To Run vk8s in F5 Distributed Cloud App Stack | DevCentral273Views0likes0Comments