Forum Discussion

47 Replies

  • Clive_Chan_1672's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    James, from APM side, is it just set a Network Access? How about the logon setting?


  • We are trying to get the per-app VPN working. The application is Epic Haiku. The MDM provider is MobileIron. The application was to a point where it did fireup the VPN connection, but the application was not sending through the VPN.. actually it wasn't able to send data anywhere (we had a tcpdump on the wireless controller). AT that time everything BUT that application was working via the SSLVPN tunnel.


    From above, I realized that the desktop and network profile needed to be removed and the 'VDI & Java Support' checked for the virtual server. We did that. Then we found that the application firing up didn't establish the SSLVPN connection any longer.


    Not sure this is an active thread.. Thanks for any insights. Brad Hanson, HealthPartners, Bloomington, Minnesota (I apologize for cross posting this on another thread first-- this was the thread that it probably should have gone on).


  • Brad,


    Perhaps it is worth opening a ticket with support on this. Per-App VPN will only fire automatically when you have On-demand VPN configured and working properly, else you have to establish it manually via EDGE client and then launch the App


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You may want to connect the iPCU and check the console logs.. also on the apm logs.