developerWorks iOS app
Okay, I have to admit, I love IBM’s developerWorks. I was thrilled today to learn that there’s an iOS application (iPad, iPhone and touch devices) that gives us mobile access to all things developerWorks. I’m still learning to use the app, but by selecting the button in the upper right hand corner, you can chose any category within the site, such as groups, blogs, wikis, forums, downloads, and start exploring and reading.
It’s been a multi-decade affair with developerWorks for me, ever since Wietse Venema’s Postfix saved me from the horrors in 1998 (sorry old time Unix grey beards!). IBM research has no end of awesome projects, including Watson, of recent Jeopardy! fame. IBM developerWorks is in any case the place for all types of cool, useful, upcoming, interesting, theoretical, awesome and community driven projects (throw in your own favorite adjective here). It’s definitely an app I’m looking forward to cozying up with during my commute (when by bus, of course).