Forum Discussion
How to modify client-ssl on multiple VS using TMSH
The above solution did not do the trick even I removed the chain, most likely because I am using the same key/certificate just using a different SSL profile to do the test.
I tried using a different key/certificate but also different domain and it worked. On December 2nd week, I'll get the new/replacement cert and will test the procedure in the KB and see if it works on same domain name different key/cert.
Here's the commands for reference:
modify /ltm virtual https_vs profiles add { newcert-clientssl {context clientside } }
modify /ltm virtual https_vs profiles delete { oldcert-clientssl }
I'll update this on December when I renew cert and will use a different SSL profile.
Thanks for the help.
If you are running a script to swap the clientssl profile of VIP, the below will work (you might need to have a standard where all clientssl profiles actually start with with word clientssl though)
modify /ltm virtual https_vs profiles delete { clientssl* }
modify /ltm virtual https_vs profiles add { newcert-clientssl {context clientside } }
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