Jun 28, 2022Nimbostratus
Client ssl certification bulk installation
I am using this command to bulk install certificates in .pfx and it works but it installs in Common Partition. How can i install in a perticular partition?
Currently i am using following command.
for certname in /var/tmp/certs/*.pfx; do tmsh install sys crypto pkcs12 $(basename "$certname" .pfx) consumer ltm from-local-file "$certname" passphrase 1q2w3e4r5t6yF; done
Hi Tanmay01,
Can you try this command?
for certname in /var/tmp/certs/*.pfx; do tmsh -q -c "cd /partitionname; install sys crypto pkcs12 $(basename $certname .pfx) consumer ltm from-local-file $certname passphrase 1q2w3e4r5t6yF"; done