Forum Discussion
How to check active connections in icontrol ?
- Dec 08, 2016
Please use iControl REST API with
like below with yourInvoke-RestMethod
PS> $securePwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force PS> $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("username",$securePwd)
you can see nodename list
PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://bigip/mgmt/tm/ltm/node/stats -Credential $credential | Format-List
And you can see the stats of specified node with
PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://bigip/mgmt/tm/ltm/node/{target-nodename}/stats -Credential $credential | Format-List
Please use iControl REST API with
like below with your username
and bigip
PS> $securePwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
PS> $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("username",$securePwd)
you can see nodename list
PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://bigip/mgmt/tm/ltm/node/stats -Credential $credential | Format-List
And you can see the stats of specified node with
PS> Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://bigip/mgmt/tm/ltm/node/{target-nodename}/stats -Credential $credential | Format-List
- FTD_Routing_HydDec 08, 2016
Thanks for the help Thanks a lot!!!
But I will surely trouble you,if I need more help ;)
- FTD_Routing_HydDec 09, 2016
Hi Uchi, I ran the following command to check the current connections on a active node .....where, I replaced bigip with bigip ip address and replaced target node with the node name
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri {target node}/stats -Credential $credential | Format-List
The following is the result the I am receiving post executing the above command..
kind : tm:ltm:node:nodestatsgeneration : 1selfLink : {target node}/stats?ver=11.6.1entries : @{addr=; curSessions=; monitorRule=; monitorStatus=; tmName=; serverside.bitsIn=; serverside.bitsOut=; serverside.curConns=; serverside.totConns=; sessionStatus=; status.availabilityState=; status.enabledState=; status.statusReason=; totRequests=}
So, do I need to add any of the above entries in the Invoke-Restmethod command or here itself should I see all the node stats.
Please bear with me,as I am new to API
- uchi_122495Dec 09, 2016
You have already get all the node stats. Please change
and then you can see all of data recursively.ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
- FTD_Routing_HydDec 09, 2016
One more error.....
ConvertTo-Json : An item with the same key has already been added
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