Forum Discussion
APM integrate with Azure Intune
Does anyone manage to get F5 APM integrate with Azure Intune for MDM?
Refer to: Creating an Azure web application for Microsoft Intune on APM
did you get any further on this Ben? looking at the same and not quite clear on the requirement, i.e. is F5 Edge client needed?
- Stefan_EngelCirrus
The link to the doc doesnt work for me - The file you requested was not found or has been moved. (Error 404)
remove the part starting at guid-
this works
- Stefan_EngelCirrus
thanks - I should read better next time
- K__RaischNimbostratus
I tried to integrate it, too, but hold on the error (status) message „Connectivity error, please check dns resolver, serverssl profile and credentials“ after finishing / updating the endpoint management system.
Does anyone had this issue, too?
- emhakeemNimbostratus
i followed the guide but still i am receiving the error status "Connectivity error". is that require any additional configuration? anyone has solved this issue?
are you in a different route domain by chance?
this is one of these things which only work from route domain 0
else is there perhaps a firewall rule?
what does the /var/log/apm log say?
- Baard_Tommy_NilNimbostratus
We have the same Connectivity error status.
Have anyone the Intune integration up and working?
Did an
find / -name \*Intune\*
Found /usr/include/mdm_connector/query/MicrosoftIntuneQuery.h
This file contains the apiURL
const std::string apiURL = "";
When i try to resolve there is no dns record found....
- Karthick1Cirrus
Hi ,
i am also facing the same issue,
how the APM and intune communicated.
if you could help me
- emhakeemNimbostratus
Hi, after long time, it worked for me
- Baard_Tommy_NilNimbostratus
Hi emhakeem,
Are you willing to share your findings and point me/us in the right direction? :)
Are you able to share your configuration steps?
- emhakeemNimbostratus
First you need to create the DNS Resolvers with the "." as a forwarding zone in order to forward all the traffic to the DNS server which you have in your environment (as showing in the first screenshot) then you will create the endpoint authentication profile with the tenant ID (please note that tenant ID will be your account with Microsoft), client ID and client secret which you have it from Microsoft intune after registering the application.
Hope this will help you to solve the issue.
- Baard_Tommy_NilNimbostratus
so you use your tenant name followed by and not your tenant guid followed by
Default settings for the dns resolver?
- roknianNimbostratus
Hi, i did it according your screenshots but i have still connectivity error , Do you have any idea?
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