Go Daddy gd_bundle.crt
One of our SSL certificates is due for renewal. For complicated reasons the management of our account with Go Daddy is maintained by another department. This department has requested and been provided with a new certificate for our domain (go.test.com for example) along with a gd_bundle.crt intermediate certificate bundle.
So, the request for a renewed certificate was not made from the LTM, rather via the Go Daddy website.
My question is, if a Go Daddy intermediate certificate bundle is already present on our LTM (expiry date not linked to the expiry date for the certificate assigned to go.test.com) , is there any need to replace the existing Go Daddy intermediate certificate bundle with the contents of the new gd_bundle.crt certificate?
If so, should the following process be sufficient to renew the certificate:
Via the LTM GUI select Local Traffic -> SSL Certificates -> go.test.com certificate -> Import -> Paste Text (paste the new certificate between BEGIN and END markers) -> Import
Thanks in advance!