Forum Discussion

cxcal_18687's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 21, 2011

Failing Hard Drive

Looking to shed a little more light on a suspected hard drive issue.



DataCenter Engineer said the F5 LTM has a blighting light complaining about a hard drive failure.



I don't show anything on the system (unless I'm looking in the wrong place)



Can someone direct me to some useful documentation to help determine if there is a hard drive problem.




Thanks for the help!






  • You could check /var/log/ltm for bad sector or other HDD related errors. Or you could run the End User Diagnostic to check definitively.



  • have u checked /var/log/kern.log? hdd error is usually shown there.



    additionally, eud may not contain fsck. it depends on what eud version u r using.



    sol11664: Change in Behavior: Removal of File System Check from the EUD




  • Yes EDU will help you to find out where the problem exactly is....
  • Can a filesystem check be performed remotely or does it require you to connected to via console in single user mode?
  • Only in single user mode as the drive needs to be unmounted:



    sol10328: Forcing a file system check on the next system reboot




  • Can someone explain what the "undefined" indicates?






    Name Serial Number Array Member Array Status




    CF1 CB06537260500900RY05 no undefined


    HD1 WD-WCAT1E936493 yes ok


    HD2 WD-WCAT1E937650 yes ok




    Running v10.1.0


  • That's just showing that there isn't a RAID array defined for the compact flash. I see the same thing on a working 8900:

    Name  Serial Number         Array Member  Array Status
    CF1   B85131BGBCR209131600  no            undefined
    HD1   WD-WCAT18687337       yes           ok
    HD2   WD-WCAT18687750       yes           ok

    Which platform is this? Have you seen SOL12170:

    sol12170: The BIG-IP system may use the CompactFlash card for the swap partition on some platforms

    You could force an disk check following SOL10328. You might also try running qkview and uploading the tech.out to to review the suggestions there. If you don't get anything useful there, you could open a case with F5 Support.
